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IssuesambienteLandLibrary Resource
There are 6, 260 content items of different types and languages related to ambiente on the Land Portal.



Displaying 2449 - 2460 of 3187

Regional Law of 18 July 2017, n. 16- Provisions for the adaptation of the regional system in the environmental field and in favor of the territories affected by earthquakes.

Julho, 2017

This Law determines several provisions and measures, that also implementing and amending certain regional Laws, aimed at adapting the Emilia-Romagna regional legislative rules as regards the environmental field and introduction of measures in favor of territories that are or were affected by earthquakes (territories hit by earthquakes in 2012 and 2016).This text, as regards the environmental field, transposes the provisions of certain state Laws and Regulations related to the environment and to the defense of soil and coast, in particular as regards forestation, the evaluation procedure for

Regional Law No.61-RZ “On particulars of regulation of land relations”.

Dezembro, 2003

This Regional Law sets forth the following priorities of land policy: (a) state regulation with a view of conservation of particularly valuable land categories, agricultural land and protected areas; (b) exercise of rights of residents in the sphere of land relations; (c) conservation of agricultural land; (d) ecofriendly methods of land tenure; and (d) conservation of traditional Cossack land tenure.

Decreto Nº 1391 - Modifica el Reglamento general a la Ley de Pesca y Desarrollo Pesquero.

Outubro, 2008

El presente Decreto, considerando que existen personas naturales y jurídicas que habiendo obtenido la concesión para ocupar zonas de playas han ocupado sin autorización áreas de mayor extensión a las concedidas y que además existen personas que nunca obtuvieron la concesión para ocupar zonas de playa y bahía, y que estas áreas son explotadas desde el año 1990, modifica el Reglamento general a la Ley de pesca y desarrollo pesquero, disponiendo que los concesionarios de zonas de playa y bahía que hubieren ocupado un área mayor a la concedida y que las personas naturales o jurídicas que ocupar

Regional Decree No. 310-p validating the Regulation on access to protected areas.

Março, 2015

This Regional Decree classifies regional protected areas as natural complexes and objects of nature protection, scientific research, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and healthcare significance. It regulates public access to protected areas of regional and local significance, including natural parks, state nature reserves and nature monuments.

Law No. 4.797 establishing principles, guidelines, objectives, goals and strategies for the Climate Change Policy within the Federal District.

Junho, 2012

This Law, consisting of 5 Chapters, establishes principles, baselines, objectives, strategies and goals for State Policy on Climate Change. This Policy aims at the following principles: implementation of public policies; prevention and precaution, implementation of measures to fight the greenhouse effect; polluter pays principle, conservation of environment, guaranteeing that nature heritage keeps environmental quality standards; etc. This Policy is divided as follows: Principles, concepts and baslines (Chap. I); Objectives (Chap. II); Goals (Chap.

Initiative Grande Muraille Verte 2011

National Policies
Dezembro, 2010

Au Niger, l’Initiative Grande Muraille Verte Sahélo-Sahélienne vise, à l’horizon 2035, le développement des communautés locales à travers une approche novatrice et inclusive consistant à mettre en synergie les actions de lutte contre la désertification, de conservation de la biodiversité, de lutte contre les changements climatiques et d’appui aux systèmes de production agro-sylvo-pastorale. La finalité étant de reverdir le Niger et de contribuer à une sécurité alimentaire durable des populations et du cheptel.

Decree No. 35/2015/ND-CP on management and use of land for rice cultivation.

Abril, 2015

This Decree, consisting of 15 articles divided into five Chapters, prescribes the effective management and use of land for rice cultivation; support policies for rice-growing localities to protect and develop land for rice cultivation nationwide. It applies to: domestic agencies, organizations, households and individuals and foreign organizations and individuals involved in the management and use of land for rice cultivation.The Decree is divided as follows: General Provisions (Chap. I); Management and Use of Land for Rice Cultivation (Chap.

Décret n° 2005-267 du 21 juillet 2005 fixant en matière de promotion de l’industrie et de développement du secteur privé, les modalités d'application de la loi n° 2003-308 du 07 juillet 2003 portant transfert et répartition de compétences de l'Etat aux...

Julho, 2005
Costa do Marfim

Le présent Décret fixe les modalités d'application de la loi n° 2003-308 du 07 juillet 2003 portant transfert et répartition de compétences de l'Etat aux Collectivités Territoriales, en matière de promotion de l’industrie et de développement du secteur privé.Les compétences transférées aux collectivités territoriales sont, entre autres, l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre du plan communal de promotion de l’industrie et de développement du secteur privé en harmonie avec le plan urbain de promotion de l’industrie et de développement du secteur privé; le respect de l'environnement et le maintien

Protection of the Coastal Environment Law 5764-2004 .

Dezembro, 2003

This Law is aimed at: protecting the coastal environment, restoring and preserving coasts as a resource of unique value, and preventing and reducing as much as possible any damage to them; preserving the coastal environment and the coastal sand for the benefit and enjoyment of the public, for present and future generations; and establishing principles and limitations for the sustainable management, development and use of the coastal environment. Under the law, sea and shore are considered one integral unit that extends from Israel's territorial waters to 300 meters inland.

Regulation No 4 of 5 April 2013 on the conditions and requirements for the construction and operation of incineration plants and co-incineration plants.

Abril, 2013

This Regulation determines the necessary conditions and administrative and technical requirements for the construction and operation of incineration plants and co-incineration plants dealing with solid or liquid waste, as regards the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.These rules are established in order to prevent, reduce and/or limit the pollution of the environment, including the emissions deriving form incineration activities (including harmful substances) and discharged in the ambient air, soils, surface and groundwater, also in relation to the risk to human health.The list of excep

Resolution on solar power stations in protected areas.

Janeiro, 2017

This Resolution sets forth principles and guidelines of application for building solar power stations in protected areas. This Regulation underlines that building solar power stations shall not be approved in Grade 1 natural site area, as well as in sensitive and special protected areas. Furthermore solar power stations may be built in Grade 2 and 3 natural site areas and also in protected areas with sustainable use of natural resource, only if they meet the requirements specified in the Resolution.