Community / Land projects / Southern Nyanza Community Development Project (SNCDP)
Southern Nyanza Community Development Project (SNCDP)
08/04 - 09/13
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Implementing Organisations
Data Providers
The project intended to reduce poverty and improve the livelihoods of 100,000 households in six districts: Homa Bay, Kuria, Migori, Nyamira, Rachuonyo and Suba, that are among the poorest districts in the relatively high-potential agricultural area around Lake Victoria. The project’s intermediate objective was to enhance gendered empowerment of the rural communities through improved health and more rational use and management of natural resources for sustainable livelihood activities. On land and natural resource governance, the project intended to enable in particular the poor and vulnerable groups to analyse their land tenure security situations and to establish contact with the District Land Office, Land Control Boards and Tribunals, chiefs and elders; it assisted the communities in installing a water supply scheme or rehabilitating their own scheme to meet the national standard set for per capita supply of water. 56 Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) processes were undertaken and community action plans developed through active community participation.