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Community Organizations Southern Africa Food Lab
Southern Africa Food Lab
Southern Africa Food Lab

Focal point

Scott Drimie


Stellenbosch University
South Africa
Postal address
Private Bag X1, Stellenbosch, Western Cape
Working languages

The Southern Africa Food Lab (Food Lab) is a multi-stakeholder initiative that grapples with questions around food systems in southern Africa to foster long-term food security in the region. The initiative brings together diverse, influential stakeholders in the regional food system in order to respond to systemic issues in creative ways and to inspire change in how we think about and act on complex social challenges. The Food Lab facilitates dialogue between these stakeholders to bring about collaborative learning, foster innovations and experimental action towards a just and sustainable food system.



Displaying 1 - 5 of 11

An introduction to localg.a.p

Training Resources & Tools
Juin, 2016
Afrique australe

This manual provides a short history of localg.a.p. and its entry into South Africa and provides information for trainers providing support to small holder farmers who want to achieve localg.a.p. compliance. 

The impact of the South African drought as experienced by small holder farmers

Reports & Research
Mai, 2016
Afrique du Sud

Between late 2014 and June 2016, South Africa experienced an El Niño-related drought, which various reports claim to be the worst meteorological drought in the southern Africa region in 35 years. In February 2016, the Southern Africa Food Lab (SAFL) commissioned a drought impact assessment (DIA) in the Mopani district of Limpopo province, as part of its Agro-ecology Awareness (AeA) project, and Supporting Smallholder Agriculture programme. This report provides the findings of this assessment.

Finding an integrated market standard alternative small holder farmers in South Africa

Reports & Research
Janvier, 2016
Afrique du Sud

This is a report from a workshop organised by the Southern Africa Food LAB (SAFL) in collabora?on with Solidaridad Southern Africa, and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) to develop a set of entry level standard principles; and an integrated environmental, ethical, and social market standard for smallholder farmers.

The Future of Food 2015-2030

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2015
Afrique du Sud

What is the future of food in South Africa? What might the food system look like in 2030, in terms of production, processing, distribution and consumption? Many people are asking similar questions and producing vision statements, policies and forecasts to enable anticipation and planning in a volatile system. They are all telling stories about the future – some optimistic, some dire. But these stories tend to be disconnected, narrated past each other to different audiences. The four scenarios contained in this document tell a more connected set of stories.