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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 596 - 600 of 2117



(USAID West Africa Regional): .USAID and the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) will collaborate with West African countries to provide geospatial data services and strengthen capacity of analysts and decision makers to use geospatial information, including climate information. SERVIR is designed to support USG bilateral investments under the Global Food Security Strategy...FY 2019 activities will include:.Developing demand-driven scalable services using geospatial data in four priority countries cross West Africa, addressing development problems in food security, water and natural resources governance, environmental protection and biodiversity conservation. Working on the Forest Landscape Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM) in Transboundary Learning Landscapes monitoring platform for illegal artisanal mining and charcoal production. Creating a tool for monitoring deforestation, urbanization and agricultural expansion in Ghana..Characterizing suitable areas for the replication of successful forest regeneration in Niger...Providing institutional support for the Permanent Inter-State Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel/Agrometeorology, Hydrology, and Meteorology Regional Center (CILSS/AGRHYMET). ..USAID and NASA are partnering with AGRHYMET to prepare it to become a regional hub for geospatial technology and analyses and center of excellence on environmental issues, sustainable land and resource management. ..This activity directly addresses JSP Goal 1 by increasing the capacity of governments to address significant challenges and crises such as natural disasters, food insecurity, water scarcity, and land degradation, which can exacerbate political instability and social unrest. It supports participating countries' journey to self-reliance by providing data and data products to national level decision makers for improved policy formulation and resource allocation that contribute to national economic development. .

Community Forestry in Papua New Guinea


In Papua New Guinea (PNG), forests cover 63% of the country and 97% of these forests are held in customary land ownership. About 80% of the population live in rural areas and they depend heavily on their forests. Under this initiative the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research is working collaboratively with the University of Queensland to identify how community forestry in PNG can be enhanced and scaled up to achieve better economic, social and environmental outcomes.

Building a Resilient Vetiver Value Chain


This project directly aligns with the MIF's Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) program as it seeks to position Haiti as a supplier of sustainably produced vetiver and scale the introduction of CSA practices and technologies in the vetiver value chain. This intervention will improve the environmental and economic resilience of rural communities in two geographic departments (South and Southeast), integrating 500 small farmers' households - 30% of whom will be women into the vetiver value chain to increase their household income and continue to contribute to sustainable land management.

Joint Programme on Housing, Land and Property Issues - Phase II (NRC)


Overall objective:

To contribute to the creation of an enabling environment where crisis affected women and men and communities can exercise their HLP rights.

Specific Objectives:

class="ql-align-justify">-         To improve access to HLP documentation, record keeping and tenure security

class="ql-align-justify">-         To improve access of affected women and men to services and legal remedies

class="ql-align-justify">-         To improve access to land, housing and natural resources