Displaying 26 - 30 of 42Presidential Decree No. PP-1958 “On improvement of drainage state of irrigated agricultural land and rational management of water resources for the period of 2013-2017”.
The President, with a view of improvement of drainage state of irrigated agricultural land and rational management of water resources, validates a set of arrangements for the purpose of ensuring stable and sustainable functioning of agricultural sector, improvement of soil fertility and yield of agricultural crops.
Decree No. 66 validating the Regulation on State geodetic inspection and state control over land tenure and keeping land cadastre.
This Decree establishes that State geodetic inspection shall be authorized state institution performing supervision over compliance with technical requirements and standards related to geodetic and cartographic activity and mapping of the state boundaries. State supervision over land tenure and land protection shall be performed with a view of enforcement of land legislation and compliance of natural and legal persons with legislative provisions of land legislation.
Decree No. 301 of the Cabinet of Ministers “On land tenure or rural inhabited areas”.
This Decree sets forth the modalities of land tenure of rural inhabited areas, in particular establishing land-use planning guidelines related to residential construction and provision of urban amenities. Expropriation and allotment of land of rural inhabited areas shall be performed by decision of local government. Land tenure and development of rural inhabited areas shall be performed in conformity with land-use planning scheme.
Decree No. 285 of the Cabinet of Ministers validating the Regulation on allotment of land plots for entrepreneurial activities.
This Decree establishes the modalities of allotment of land plots of area up to 1, 0 ha on conditions of permanent (open-ended) land tenure through tenders for performance of entrepreneurial activities. It shall be applicable to industrial land areas and non-agricultural land. It contains information related to the modalities of organization of tenders and information of the applicants of available land plots.
Presidential Decree No. UP-3963 amending Presidential Decree on the arrangements for fundamental improvement of land reclamation system.
Item 2 shall be amended to add the following wording: “budgetary allocation corresponding to land tax revenues paid by the producers of agricultural commodities”.
Amends: Presidential Decree on measures to improve the land reclamation system. (2007-10-29)