Displaying 16 - 20 of 42Decree No. 575 of the Cabinet of Ministers “On improvement of land tenure”.
This Decree validates the Regulation on experimental allotment on unused land and land of marginally profitable or unprofitable agricultural enterprises to citizens on condition of life-long hereditary possession. The aforesaid land shall be used for agricultural purposes. The dimensions of land area shall be established with the consideration of local conditions but shall not exceed 5 hectares for irrigated areas and 15 hectares for non-irrigated areas.
Presidential Decree No. UP-1009 “On improvement of efficiency of land tenure”.
The President authorizes experimental allotment on unused land and land of marginally profitable or unprofitable agricultural enterprises to citizens on condition of life-long hereditary possession. The aforesaid land shall be used for agricultural purposes. The dimensions of land area shall be established with the consideration of local conditions but shall not exceed 5 hectares for irrigated areas and 15 hectares for non-irrigated areas.
Decree No. 1 of the Cabinet of Ministers “On arrangements for promotion of lease relations in agriculture”.
This Decree establishes that payment for long-term lease of agricultural land plots allotted to an agricultural cooperative (shirkat) shall be collected in the form of unified land tax in accordance with rates and within timeframe established by the acting legislation. Annex 2 contains the form of Model long-term lease contract of agricultural land. Annex 3 contains Model statute of agricultural cooperative (shirkat).
Decree No. 362 of the Cabinet of Ministers “On arrangements for optimization of dimensions of land plots allotted for farming”.
The Premier decrees that beginning from 1 January 2016 allotment of land plots for farming and expropriation thereof shall be performed by decision of local government in accordance with the opinions expressed by territorial councils of farmers and commissions for examination of applications for allotment of land plots for farming.
Decree No. 250 of the Cabinet of Ministers validating the Regulation on keeping some registers.
This Decree establishes the modalities of keeping State forest register, State land-use planning register, State register of waste disposal sites and State cartographic and mapping register. State forest register shall be the system of constantly updated reliable information on forests, legal status thereof, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of forests and economic assessment thereof. State land-use planning register shall be the system of constantly updated reliable information on territory, development and engineering, transport and social infrastructure.