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Community Organizations Government of Moldova
Government of Moldova
Government of Moldova
Governmental institution


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The politics of Moldova take place in a framework of a parliamentary representative democratic republic, wherein the prime minister is the head of the government, and a multi-party system. The government exercises executive power while the legislative power is vested in the Parliament. The judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislature. The position of the breakaway region of Transnistria (a self-proclaimed autonomous region, on the left side of the river Nistru), relations with Romania and with Russia, and integration into the EU dominate political discussions.


From the wikipedia article Politics of Moldova



Displaying 36 - 40 of 46

Law No. 198-XV on lease in agriculture.

Europe orientale

This Law shall have as its purpose to set legal grounds for lease in agriculture, and to establish rights and duties of lessors and lessees. The Act consists of nine Sections divided into 29 articles: (1) general provisions; (2) right of lease; (3) rights and duties of the contracting parties; (4) lease fee and sublease of agricultural land; (5) use of rented agricultural property; (6) lease of public agricultural land; (7) lease of agricultural assets; (8) liability; and (9) conclusive and transitional provisions.

Law No. 778-XV on geodesy and cartography.

Europe orientale

This Law regulates activities in the sphere of geodesy and cartography including: (a) distant zoning of the earth; and (b) mapping and demarcation of the state frontier, administrative boundaries and plots of land pertaining to private ownership. The object of geodetic and cartographic activity shall be national territory. The State Agency of Land Relations and Cadastre shall carry out geodetic and cartographic activity, mapping, zoning and updating of land cadastre data.

Order No. 231 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry validating the Regulation on utilization of phytosanitary means for the improvement of soil fertility.

Europe orientale

This Order establishes sanitary and hygienic requirements for processes related to storage, transport and utilization of phytosanitary means for the improvement of soil fertility that shall be compulsory for all legal and natural persons using pesticides and fertilizers. Purchase of phytosanitary means from private persons or companies operating without licence shall be prohibited.

Ministerial Decree No. 405 validating Regulation on calculation of annual land charges for lease of agricultural land.

Europe orientale

This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities of calculation of minimum and, in case of necessity, maximum land charges for lease of public and private agricultural land. It shall not be applicable to reserve land allotted to retirees and social workers and poor households to which special fixed tariffs shall be applicable. The amount of annual land charges shall be calculated at the moment of the conclusion of contract and also in case of modification of land charges envisaged by the contract.

Ministerial Decree No. 23 validating Regulation on registration of agricultural land classified as loan capital of agricultural cooperatives.

Europe orientale

This Ministerial Decree regulates registration of agricultural land of the members of cooperative classified as loan capital and other land owned by the members of cooperative. Agricultural land classified as loan stock shall include agricultural land except for land stock constituting authorized capital stock. Cooperative shall be liable to its members for the use of loan capital for agricultural purposes. Cadastre map of the inhabited area shall be integral part of the register of cooperative land.