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The provisions of Order No. 94 give the Danish AgriFish Agency the responsibility of granting subsidies to owners and tenants of farms in order to convert agricultural land to organic farming. This Order partially amends this Order, in particular its introduction, whereby the implementation of Rural Development Act (No. 316 of 2007) provisions are now changed to articles 3, 5 (sect. 1-3) art. 7 (sect. 4) art. 11 (sect. 4), and pursuant to 5, sect. 1, No. 5 of Order No. 559 on the Danish AgriFish Agency's duties and powers. This Order also amends violation penalties of one of the terms mentioned in article 18 (sect. 1, part 2) and art. 19 - whereby a reduced net subsidy for the crop group shall now be subject to a penalty percentage. Sanctions ratio is calculated as the total percentage of the seriousness and duration of the infringement in relation to the size of the total area, the confirmed breach of a condition of the undertaking and the size of the crop group
Amends: Order No. 94 on subsidies for conversion to organic farming. (2010-01-28)