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The State Institute for Public Health and the Environment shall at least once every four years report to the Minister in the form of a scientific study on the state of the nature, forests and landscape indicating also probable and otherwise foreseeable future developments regarding the…


This amendment of the principal Act is introduced so as provide for a system of poultry rights, i.e. a right to hold poultry and to produce manure from poultry granted for purposes of control of production of manure. It shall be prohibited to produce on a livestock farm more manure from chickens…


This Act makes provision for the registration of property and other rights on land and buildings on land, aircrafts and ships as required by law. Pursuant to article 3 there is established a Cadastre and Public Registers Agency which shall be responsible for the keeping and administration of…


By making further provision for the registration of property and other rights on land and buildings on land, aircrafts and ships as required by law, this Decree implements and supplements various articles of the Cadastre Act. Article 2 prescribes in detail how real property shall be recorded in…


This Act places restrictions on the removal of soil on land and in the sea. It is forbidden to remove soil on public or private land without a soil removal permit (art. 3). The permit is not required for soil removal carried out to prevent flooding, for the carrying out of a Town and Country…


The scope of this Act is to give more autonomy to the Cadastre and Public Registers Department. Article 2 provides for the establishment of Cadastre and Public Registers Agency which shall be responsible for the keeping and administration of Public Registers pursuant to provisions of the…


Amendments of three important environment protection laws relative to the redistribution of tasks of law enforcement with the public administration.
Amends: Act containing rules relative to protection of the soil (Soil Protection Act). (2010-07-19)
Amends: Act containing provisions…


This Decree, proposed by the Minister of Agriculture, nature Conservation and Fisheries, indicates soil-type areas for purposes of the Fertilizing Substances Act. Land is classified as ‘filtration sensitive soil’.
Implements: Act containing rules relative to the trade in and the disposal…


These Acts are amended to as to provide for the integration of the Topographic Office of the Ministry of Defence in the Service for the cadastre and public registers as mentioned in article 2 of the Cadastre Organization Act.
Amends: Cadastre Act. (2010-07-18)
Amends: Act concerning…


This amendment of the Fertilizing Substances Act concerns some practical improvements so as to take away obstacles to the merger of pig breeding enterprises in relation with allocation of fertilizer production quotas.
Amends: Act containing rules relative to the trade in and the disposal…


The scope of this Act is to regulate the quality of fertilizing placed upon the market, their use and to protect the soil form possible harmful effects of the use of those fertilizers. "Fertilizers" (defined in section 1, includes both organic and inorganic fertilizers.The Act consists…


This amendment of the principal Act again sharpens criteria of regulating mineral charges in order to better protect water against pollution by nitrates, raises mineral charges, and prescribes rules for the size of production of manure on farms. The maximum allowed quantity of manure production…