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This Act makes provision for measures concerning protection of the soil. Some provisions concern infiltration of water and the protection of groundwater. Chapter I contains definitions. Under Chapter II a Technical Commission for Soil Protection is established. The Commission consists of soil…


The amendments of the Soil Protection concern Provincial Orders in relation to soil protection surveys, ascertainment of serious pollution, financial matters, hearing of the Technical Commission on Soil Protection on draft Ministerial Orders, and competencies of Municipalities and Polder Boards…


The Regulations are amended so as to provide certain exceptions on the obligation to low-emission use of organic manure or other organic fertilizing substances so as to extend the period of use which prevents or limits soil erosion. This Regulation also extends the period in every year in which…


Regulation made under the fertilizing Substances Act. The Regulation makes provision for a system of reporting on and registration of production of organic fertilizer. Yearly communication of production date shall be made by producers to the District Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture (art. 2…


Decree regulating the rent for the lease of agricultural land. The Decree seeks to re-establish a balance between interests of the lessee and those of the lessor. Owners of agricultural land who give the land in lease may obtain a net gain of 2 percent of the free market value of land free of…


"Discharge" is defined in article 2 as the bringing into the soil of liquids for as a permanent solution. The Decree does not apply to discharge of surface water, rain or drinking water, or groundwater, to which no pollutant are added and is not heated, and to irrigation for…


The term "moving" is intended in this Act as "with the use of a non-tied fertilizer production right in accordance with provisions of this Act and in deviation of provisions of the Fertilizer Act, move to another location to produce organic fertilizer" (art. 1). Moving of…


This Regulation implements that part of the EC Council "Groundwater Directive" (80/68/EC) which concerns the infiltration of water. Infiltration in this Regulation has the same meaning as in article 1 of the Groundwater Act. This Regulation restricts the powers of provincial…


This Regulation seeks to prevent or limit pollution of the environment by folio made of inorganic materials which is used in general in agriculture to cover animal feed. Article 2 declares the importer or producer of the folio to be responsible for the gathering and further removal of folio…


"Construction Materials" are defined as materials used in a construction and in which the content of calcium, silicium and aluminium together is more than 10 percent. Article 2 provides for analysis of contents of the materials aforementioned in construction materials. Article 3…


This Decree implements article 55, comma 4, under (b) by defining the diminution of the surface of land cultivated, a term used in the Act for the purpose of establishing the amount of fertilizing substance that may be used in one year.
Implements: Act containing rules relative to the…


Decree to provide for the reduction of so-called "land related pig rights", being the right to keep a certain number of pigs on a given land, in relation with reduction of pollution of the soil by pig manure. (10 articles)
Amended by: Decree No. 570 of 2001 to amend the Decree…