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Manuals & Guidelines
Septembre 2019

In 2018 ORAM and Terra Firma were granted additional funding by the LEGEND challenge fund to develop materials and build capacity of Community Land Associations (CLAs) and their individual members to negotiate with investors. This initiative was designed to build upon the work already funded…

Institutional & promotional materials
Août 2019

A Portucel Moçambique está a desenvolver um projecto florestal integrado com uma indústria de produção de pasta para papel em Moçambique, assegurando a partilha de valor para promover o desenvolvimento socioeconómico sustentável das comunidades e melhorar o conhecimento e o respeito pelo…

Peer-reviewed publication
Août 2019

Global climate change policy enforcement has become the new driving force of resource grabbing in the context of the “scramble of resources” in Africa. Nevertheless, the environmental crisis should not be seen as an isolated phenomenon amid contemporary capitalism. On the contrary, a very…

Reports & Research
Juin 2019

This paper focuses on the baobab value chain in the north of Manica Province, and specifically on the ways in which commercialization of the value chain with Baobab Products Mozambique is beginning to have an impact on the gender dynamics within the households of the women collectors.

Reports & Research
Juin 2019

This reflection paper focuses on the baobab value chain in the north of Manica Province and, specifically, on the ways in which commercialization of the value chain with Baobab Products Mozambique (BPM) is beginning to have an impact on the governance of land and natural resources, including…

Reports & Research
Juin 2019

Moçambique tem visto muitos investimentos em grande escala com financiamento e operadores nacionais e internacionais, muitas vezes envolvendo a agricultura e a silvicultura de plantações. Frequentemente, os investimentos procuram adquirir grandes propriedades que permitem aos operadores…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Mai 2019

This bulletin focuses on land tenure regularisation (LTR), with articles from practitioners to accompany the new LEGEND report <a href="…

Reports & Research
Mai 2019

This reflection paper focuses on the baobab value chain in the north of Manica Province, and specifically on the interactions between women baobab collectors and Baobab Products Mozambique (BPM), as BPM seeks to develop its inclusive business model.
For the last three years, the commercial…

Training Resources & Tools
Avril 2019

The LandAssess Tool is a risk assessment and management framework. It provides a clear and simple set of checklists that generate a report to help companies assess and manage how they respect land rights. This tool responds to the gap between companies’ commitments to recognize land rights and…

Reports & Research
Avril 2019

In recent years, numerous companies have made commitments to better recognize and respect land rights throughout their supply chains. For Illovo Sugar Africa ("Illovo"), Africa’s largest producer of sugar, this entailed committing to "zero tolerance for land grabs," as well…

Manuals & Guidelines
Avril 2019

The LandAssess Tool is a risk assessment and management framework. It provides a clear and simple set of checklists that generate a report to help companies assess and manage how they respect land rights. This tool responds to the gap between companies’ commitments to recognize land rights and…