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This Decree, approving the institutional Consulting Forum on Land, regulates the Forum, entitled to give advice on land, land access and land use management. The representation of this institution is composed by governmental institutions, civil society organizations, groups of interest, local…


This Decree amends article 27 establishing the obligation of consulting local community on legal procedures related to land administration and land use management. It determines that these communities should participate actively in the decision making regarding the above mentioned sectors,…


This Ministerial Order approves the Directive on land expropriation, as established by Regulation on Land Use Management.
Implements: Decree No. 23/2008 approving the Regulation on Land Use Management. (2008-07-01)


This Decree, consisting of 12 Chapters, approves the Regulation for the territorial planning of Mozambique for a sustainable use of the environment, and is divided as follows: General provisions (Chap. I), Territorial Instruments for Management System (Chap. II), National, Provincial, District,…


This Ministerial Decision establishes the Statute of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. It consists of 3 chapters specifying structure, functions, competencies, composition, and other issues related with the activity of the aforementioned institution (such as: land management and…


This Decree approves the Regulation of Land Act; right of use and conditions for exploiting public lands. It consists of 16 chapters and 2 annexes divided as follows: Definition of different lands and land uses (Chap. 1); Requirements for obtaining land use authorization (2); Competencies of…

Journal Articles & Books

Este artículo indaga el modo en que las resistencias sociales manifiestan los vínculos entre la cooperación Sur-Sur de China y el acaparamiento de tierras (land grabbing). Con ese fin, se realiza un estudio de caso del proyecto Xai-Xai en Mozambique. Desde una perspectiva neogramsciana,  se…