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Displaying 1849 - 1860 of 5978

This Decree specifies instructions that apply to farming and horticulture. In the storage and use of animal manure, Annex 1 must be complied with, in addition to what is laid down in sections 4-6. Annex 3 also makes recommendations on procedures related to the use of animal manure. Instructions…


L’article 1er du susdit règlement établit que le plan d’aménagement global «Haff Réimech», constitué par le plan d’occupation des sols joint en annexe qui fait partie intégrante du présent règlement grand-ducal, est déclaré obligatoire. Ce plan englobe des fonds situés sur le territoire de la…


The Campania Region promotes land reclamation interventions, which are considered to be of public interest since they help preserve the territory and, particularly, rural environments, and enable the rational utilization of water resources intended for agricultural uses. To these ends, the…


It is hereby laid down the regional legislative framework in matter of territorial use, management and planning. The overall objective pursued is sustainable development in the management of the regional territory. The Act applies both to the Natural and Environmental System (SNA) of the Region…


This Ministerial Decree regulates timber extraction on urban land pertaining to forest estate, including urban forests. Citizens who have been allotted plots of urban land as lifelong hereditary estate, usufruct, ownership or lease shall have the right to cut trees and shrubbery thereon without…


The present Ordinance lays down provisions relating to a programme for the safety measures of human agglomerates in case of floods. In particular, the aim of the above-mentioned programme is the minimalization of damages done by flooding, occurring usually every 100 years, by way of land use…


The President establishes that basic annual rates of rent for lease of public land shall be fixed by local self-government with the application of factors depending on the purposeful use of land. The purposeful use of land shall be classified as agricultural land, urban land and industrial land…


Le susdit arrêté porte la réglementation relative à l’exécution de l'article 37, alinéa 2, de la loi du 29 mars 1962 organique de l'aménagement du territoire et de l'urbanisme. Ce dernier article a trait à l’indemnité à charge, suivant le cas, de l'Etat, de l'association…


It is hereby laid down the regional policy on mountain areas, which rests on the principles of subsidiarity and promotion of local autonomy. The Act covers the territories of Mountain Communities defined by Act No. 12 of 2002. The mountain policy shall pursue, among others, the protection of the…


The Act lays down provisions concerning regional planning activities as regards soil protection, control of land use and interventions for the conservation and transformation of soil. The provisions cover both agricultural and urban land. As regards agricultural land, the aims pursued are the…


The Member States shall use the questionnaire attached to this Decision as a basis for drawing up the report to be submitted to the Commission concerning the implementation of Directive 96/61/EC, which sets out a legislative framework dealing with integrated pollution prevention and control. The…


All regional interventions aimed at soil conservation, protection of environmental balance and nature preservation shall be implemented in conformity with the general plan referred to in article 1 of Regional Act No. 36 of 16 August 1974. The plan shall be composed of basin plans corresponding…