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The Government, for the purpose of securing and transfer of the plots of urban land and the plots of land of other settlements on conditions of ownership, possession, lease of natural and legal persons, as well as for the purpose of their registration, taxation and transaction, decrees to…


This Regional Legislative Decree approves the Touristic Plan of the Autonomous Region of Madeira. This Plan consists of 3 chapters 2 annexes and 4 maps of the archipelago. In view of the increasing touristic demand this Decree establishes the bases for the territorial management with touristic…

Plan of a plot of land must be usually designed with the application of the national system of coordinates. For securing the boundaries of a plot of land on location there must be installed landmarks. Specially designed point of a boundary of a plot of land or other object. Average errors in the…


Interdepartmental Commission on Gravitation Metering is set up for examination and decision-making regarding issues concerning gravitation metering on the territory of the Russian Federation, its continental shelf, Exclusive Economic Zone and World Ocean. Interdepartmental Commission on…

The Committee, in connection with the issues arising in the process of the application of the Technical requirements for the plan of a plot of land validated by the Committee on Land Resources and Land Survey (ROSKOMZEM) 11 June 1993, clarifies that Technical requirements must be applied…

International Conventions or Treaties

The Agreement aims at the development of technical cooperation between Germany and Namibia. In particular, Germany grants a credit to Namibia to improve the infrastructure required to realize land reform The text consists of 5 articles.


These provisions amend the Waste Management (Landfill) Regulations by supplementing regulation 6, which specifies the wastes that may not be accepted in a landfill. In particular, hospital and other clinical waste arising from medical or veterinary establishments shall not be accepted.


La presente Ley tiene como objetivo regular la expropiación forzosa por causa de utilidad pública o interés social, acordada imperativamente.
Enmendado por: Real Decreto Legislativo Nº 2/2008 - Ley de suelo. Texto refundido. (2008-06-20)
Enmendado por: Ley Nº 8/2007 - Ley de suelo. (…


The Government decrees to validate the list of amendments and addenda inserted into Ministerial Decrees regarding urban construction and land tenure. Federal Executive Bodies must conform their normative legal acts to the present Ministerial Decree. Paragraph 6 of the Regulation on the…


The Government, for the purpose of improvement of the mechanism of registration of payers of land charges and land rent for the land belonging to state (municipal) property, decrees to entitle district and city committees on land resources and land survey with the task of provision territorial,…


The Minister orders to validate the Instructions. Structural bodies of the central office of the Ministry and its territorial agencies must adopt for guidance and application the aforesaid Regulation. The present Instructions regulate the activity of the bodies of the Ministry of Natural…


These Regulations were adopted to fulfill the obligations laid down in European Community Regulation (EC) No. 166/2006 concerning the establishment of a European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register. These provisions establish reporting templates and timeframes for reporting, pursuant to…