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This Presidential Decree approves the Regulation concerning the granting of subsidies and incentives for the rehabilitation of polluted soil within the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region. The interventions covered by such incentives shall aim at the restoration of land and groundwaters damaged by…


Particular amendments are hereby laid down to the Land Acquisition (Public Purposes) Ordinance, mainly concerning the valuation of land not being a building site, the definition of building site and their compensation in expropriation procedures.
Amends: Land Acquisition (Public Purposes)…


Land reclamation activities represent a permanent instrument intended for the development, the protection and the improvement of agricultural production as well as for soil conservation and the protection of the environment and its natural resources (art. 1). To this end, the present Regional…

The Government of the Russian Federation and the administration of the Sakhalin Region have agreed as follows: 1). The Government of the Russian Federation and the administration of the Sakhalin Region shall have joint authority as regards the following issues: co-ordination of international…


Urban Code of the Volgograd Region is the main legislative act of the Volgograd Region in the sphere of urban planning and land use planning. Urban Code regulates legal relations in the field of transformation and maintenance of favourable vital functions of the population of the Volgograd…


This Decree defines the procedure and terms for the submission of the application to obtain the environmental integrated authorization required for both new and existing installations covered by Annex I to Legislative Decree No. 59 of 2005, which concerns integrated pollution prevention and…

The Government of the Russian Federation and the administration of the Rostov Region have agreed as follows: 1) To recognize that state functions, responsibility and plenary powers in the field of construction, architecture, urban planning and housing and communal services on the territory of…


The scope of this Act is to regulate the sale and acquisition of real property, and in particular land used for agricultural purposes, so as to safeguard effective use of such property, to protect the production capacity, and to regulate ownership for the benefit of public good. The interests to…


In accordance with articles 44 and 129 of the Constitution, this Act pursues the development of mountain areas by encouraging the participation of local communities (by creating Mountain Communities) in the drafting and implementation of development programmes and territorial plans relevant to…


La présente loi s’applique à toute expropriation à réaliser sur le territoire du canton, à moins que la législation fédérale ne soit exclusivement applicable. La présente loi s’applique également à l’indemnisation due en cas de restriction de la propriété équivalant à une expropriation (…


This Decree lays down rules for the consolidation of land in so-called "concentration areas", i.e. areas with a high concentration of agricultural activities. The consolidation of land shall be done in accordance with a system of valuation of the land and a land consolidation plan.…


These Regulations amend the Leasehold Reform (Notices) Regulations 1997 and provide new forms of notices to be used by tenants applying for enfranchisement and extension of long leaseholds under the Leasehold Reform Act 1967. The new forms are to be used for applications made on or after a…