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This Law establishes the re-evaluation and re-distribution of the ex-agricultural cooperative properties. It consists of 13 articles defining the requirements for re-evaluating the aforementioned properties, on the base of the Law No. 7491 of 24 April 1991 establishing the principal constituent…


This Resolution establishes the Regulation of the Environmental Planning of Alqueva Dam (PROZEA). This Regulation consists of 5 chapters and 1 annex regulating actions and activities for the management, use and transformation of land and water of the aforementioned dams.
Implements: Decree…


La société anonyme «Société publique de Gestion de l'Eau», en abrégé «S.P.G.E.», est autorisée à poursuivre en son nom l'expropriation pour cause d'utilité publique des parcelles situées à Liège et reprises dans le tableau annexé. Le plan des emprises peut être consulté au siège…


La susdit loi porte la réglementation relative au camping. L’article 1er établit qu’il est considéré comme terrain de camping public toute propriété mise publiquement à la disposition des campeurs ou occupée en fait et d'une manière habituelle par des groupes de campeurs. En outre, l’…


Le susdit règlement porte des dispositions relatives à la composition, l'organisation et le fonctionnement du groupe de travail chargé de l'élaboration du projet de plan directeur sectoriel «Préservation des grands ensembles paysagers et forestiers». Le texte comprend 6 articles.


This Law establishes that the utilisation of land is charged. Land charges consist of : land tax, ground-rent and normative land price. Landowners and land tenants, except for lease-holders, are charged with annual land tax. The plots of land given in lease are charged with ground-rent.…


This Federal Law establishes the legal basis for the activity in the field of designation and renaming of geographical objects and normalization, use, registration, and maintenance of the naming of geographical objects as part of historical and cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian…


Le susdit règlement abroge et remplace l'arrêté grand-ducal du 29 juillet 1957 concernant le classement et les conditions d'installation des terrains de campings. Le texte comprend 26 articles divisés en 2 chapitres comme suit: De l'ouverture des terrains de camping et des…


The Act aims at the protection and development of rural territories, giving particular regard to the protection of the environment and the rational utilization of water resources for irrigation purposes. The Region shall operate in conjunction with reclamation consortia (art. 15), whose main…


By enacting this Decree the Regional Environmental Counsel has established the plan on hydrogeological rearrangement in the Sicilian Region. The Plan, which is attached to the Decree, defines the areas under hydrogeological risk. Only the interventions mentioned in article 2 shall be allowed,…


This Federal Law establishes the legal basis of the activity in the field of land survey and cartography. The purpose of this Federal Law is to set up conditions for fulfilling the needs of state institutions, citizens and juridical persons in land survey and cartographic products and to create…


Subject to the provisions of the present Order, development permissions are granted for the classes of development described as permitted development in the Schedule to this Order (art. 3). The Planning Authority has the power to restrict permitted development pursuant to article 4. Some…