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This Act regulates the manufacture, processing and importation of fertilizers for marketing purposes. It does not apply to sewage sludge, "technically unprocessed natural fertilizers" , etc. (sect. 1).The text consists of 31 sections divided into 7 Chapters: General part (I);…


Ce décret fixe les modalités de mise en application des dispositions de prévention et de lutte contre les termites et les autres insectes xylophages, prévues par la loi du 8 juin 1999 et organisées par les pouvoirs publics en vue de protéger les bâtiments. Les principales mesures de prévention…


Ce décret modifie le décret nº 55-1350 du 14 octobre 1955 modifié pris pour l'application du décret nº 55-22 du 4 janvier 1955 portant réforme de la publicité foncière, et notamment les dispositions relatives aux demandes de renseignements concernant les immeubles.
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This Order regulates the Programme for drainage and soil conservation, under the Portuguese Programme for Agricultural Development (PEDAP). It consists of 16 articles establishing the provisions designed to protect soil from erosion, under the aforementioned Agricultural Programme by the…


Le présent décret modifie les dispositions du chapitre II du titre Ier du livre Ier de la deuxième partie (Réglementaire) du Code rural, relatives au document de gestion de l'espace agricole et forestier, élaboré à l'initiative du préfet du département, et aux zones agricoles protégées…


This Order concerns the state treasury of Poland taking possession of real estate comprising of farms at the request of the owners entitled to retirement benefits or by virtue of social insurance for farmers. In the application for transfer of ownership of real estate to the state treasury, the…


This Law concerns land-use management and expropriation in Poland. The Law defines the guidelines for the use of built up land and land earmarked for development. The expropriation of real estate belongs within the competencies of the district offices of the government administration. Land owned…


These regulations implement in Northern Ireland Council Directive 97/11/EC of the 3rd March 1997 on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment, in respect of those proposals to construct new roads and to improve roads to which the Directive The…


Regulation 2(3) replaces existing regulation 3 of the 1996 Regulations with a new regulation setting out the duty in the Directive to identify nitrate polluted waters and to designate as nitrate vulnerable zones all known areas of land which drain into the identified waters and contribute to the…


These Regulations are concerned with the implementation of Article 12 of Council Directive 96/82/EC on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances. The main provisions of Article 12 of the Directive are the requirement to ensure that the objectives of preventing major…


These Rules regulate the procedure to be followed for hearings in England caused by the Secretary of State to be held before he or an inspector determines appeals made to him in relation to planning permission, listed building consent and consent for the demolition of unlisted buildings in…


These Regulations are designed to standardise applications for payment of compensation under the Forestry Acts. Their main purpose is to bring into operation those provisions of the Forestry Act, 1956, which empower the Minister for Lands, in certain circumstances, to acquire land for forestry…