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This Act concerns investment in the South Sudan economy by public, co-operative, mixed, national, private, and foreign sectors in, among other things, agricultural, livestock, mining and tourism. It sets out objects of investment and establishes the Investment Board. Investment shall, among…


Les dispositions de l'article 68 de la loi portant réorganisation agraire et foncière au Burkina Faso sont modifiées relativement aux coûts de cession des terres du domaine foncier national, qui sont fixés forfaitairement suivant leur situation, leur destination et/ou leur superficie. Ces…


La présente loi portant sur les procédures de vente des biens du domaine privé de l’Etat, règlemente: les généralités qui reprennent les définitions des concepts qui concernent les biens du domaine privé de l’Etat; les principales caractéristiques des biens du domaine privé de l’état que sont l’…


This Act makes provision with rights relating to credit for agriculture. A charge, lien or assignment may be created on farming stocks and additional assets in accordance with section 3. “Farming stock” and “additional asset” is defined in section 2. An agricultural charge may be fixed or…


This Act provides for the continuation of leaseholds and leasehold tenure as well as for the continued vesting of all lands in the President who has the power of alienation (land held under customary tenure is subject to certain conditions) (sect. 3). It also provides for the statutory…

National Policies

Given the provision of the Medium Term Plan (MTP 2011-2015), the ZAIP recognizes that the Zimbabwean agricultural sector has undergone massive changes in the farm size leading to increased number of farmers and relatively smaller sizes of farms.The overall goal of ZAIP is to facilitate…


This Act provides with respect to constitution, administration and jurisdiction of local courts and related matters. It also provides for appeal against decisions of local courts to the District Appeal Courts or to Customary Appeals Division of High Court. There is hereby established for each…


Le présent décret crée auprès du ministre chargé de l’Aménagement du Territoire un Comité National d’Evaluation Technique des Schémas Directeurs d’Urbanisme (SDU) et des Plans d’Urbanisme Sectoriel (PUS) dont la mission est d’analyser et de donner un avis motivé sur les Schémas Directeurs d’…


These Rules implement provisions of the Property Valuers Profession Act, 2000 with respect to, among other things: appointment of members of the South African Council for the Property Valuers Profession; a performance agreement between the Council and the Registrar as contemplated in section 8(2…


This Act provides with respect to the profession of property valuation, i.e. the determination of the value of immovable property. The Act provides for the establishment of the South African Council for the Property Valuers Profession. The Council shall have powers with respect to, among other…


Le présent décret crée auprès du ministre chargé du Cadastre une Commission Nationale consultative chargée de l’élaboration cadre général du Cadastre et de sa mise en place au Mali.A ce titre, elle est chargée de définir de façon précise les attributions de tous les acteurs et les organes…


This Act makes provision with respect to a uniform system for effective immovable asset management within government. "Immovable asset" means any immovable asset acquired or owned by government, excluding any right contemplated in the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act,…