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Issues conflits related Blog post
There are 719 content items of different types and languages related to conflits on the Land Portal.
Displaying 1 - 11 of 11

Récapitulation du webinaire : La sécurité foncière revisitée

21 Décembre 2022

Le 15 décembre 2022, l'équipe de gestion des connaissances de LAND-at-scale a organisé un webinaire intitulé La sécurité foncière revisitée : Savons-nous ce que nous devons savoir ? Le webinaire a présenté les résultats préliminaires d'une étude sur la sécurité de tenure, rédigée par Guus van Westen, et Jaap Zevenbergen. La présentation de l'étude a été suivie de séances en petits groupes sur la sécurité de tenure et sa relation avec les droits fonciers des femmes, le rôle de l'État, les conflits fonciers et le développement économique, animées par des experts fonciers et des panélistes qui ont rendu compte des discussions en plénière avec leurs réflexions respectives sur les résultats de l'étude.

Land registration and the local social contract

06 Mars 2023

During the Annual Conference hosted by the Knowledge Platform Security and Rule of Law (KPSRL), the LAND-at-scale knowledge management organised a session exploring how land registration might impact relations between local governments and the populations they are expected to serve. Land registration interventions today often follow a path of decentralisation in which local land offices are tasked with additional responsibilities, or new entities are being created. These local offices give local authorities an important role in land mapping, registration, administration and adjudication.

Looking back at the LAND-at-scale Exchange 2022: The importance of collective learning and reflections for land governance support programs

15 Juillet 2022

On 27-28 June 2022, RVO organized the first annual LAND-at-scale exchange, bringing together over fifty LAND-at-scale project partners, knowledge management partners, Committee members as well as representatives from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs for an in-depth introduction of all LAND-at-scale stakeholders and facilitate a learning exchange.

Ngorongoro Evictions a Bad Idea: People and Nature Can Coexist

11 Juin 2022

Lucas Yamat and Pablo Manzano

The future of Ngorongoro has been the subject of hot debate among various stakeholders following a proposal by the government of Tanzania to relocate pastoralists from the district in order to conserve this important World Heritage site.

The proposal is based on claims that wildlife in the reserve faces extinction due to a sharp increase in human and livestock populations. Discussions about the proposal have caused concern among the residents of Ngorongoro who fear that they face eviction.