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EITI Implementation, natural resources management and urgency of renegotiating and publishing the contracts with mega-projects:

Reports & Research
Mai, 2011

Implementation of the Extractive Industry´s Transparency Initiative (EITI) in Mozambique has shown a series of problems of organisation and transparency in the way in which Mozambique manages and uses revenue from extractive industries. Among the problems there stand out the significant differences between the fiscal contribution made by the companies chosen to take part in this process and what the Government says it has received from these companies.

Comment Letter on the Revision of the Petroleum Legislation of Mozambique

Journal Articles & Books
Mai, 2012

The Petroleum Law No. 3/2001 of 21 February 2001 (the “Petroleum Law”) is intended to provide a sound and sustainable legal environment for the development of the oil and gas industry in Mozambique in a manner that will benefit Mozambicans. Although there is no significant commercial production from Mozambique’s fields yet, the substantial oil and gas discoveries will very likely represent the most significant opportunity for the country to develop its economy and bring prosperity to its citizens. The Petroleum Law and the Regulation Decree No.

A Terra no contexto do desenvolvimento da indústria mineira

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2012

O sector da extracção mineira, incluindo o da pesquisa e exploração de hidrocarbonetos, tem registado um desenvolvimento assinalável em Moçambique. Até há poucos anos, a indústria mineira não desempenhava um papel relevante na economia do país. De referir que houve no passado alguma produção, destacando-se a produção de carvão em Tete. Embora em escala reduzida, também houve exploração de bauxite, cobre e ouro em Manica, calcário e grafites em Cabo Delgado, gemas e pedras semipreciosas em Nampula, tantalite na Zambézia e bentonite em Maputo.

Reflecting on economic questions

Conference Papers & Reports
Novembre, 2008

This volume includes some of the papers presented at the Inaugural Conference of the Institute for Social and Economic Studies (IESE), which took place on 19 September, 2007, in Maputo. The articles contained in this volume were selected from two Conference panels, on “Macroeconomic themes” and “Social and economic development and poverty”. The topics of the Conference, on “Challenges for social and economic research in Mozambique”, and of the panels were broad and dependent on papers submitted.

Southern Africa and challenges for Mozambique

Conference Papers & Reports
Novembre, 2008

This volume includes some of the papers presented at the Inaugural Conference of the Institute for Social and Economic Studies (IESE), which took place on 19 September 2007, in Maputo. The articles contained in this volume were selected from the panel on “Southern Africa”. The topics of the Conference, on “Challenges for social and economic research in Mozambique”, and of the panels were broad and dependent on papers submitted.

Exploração artesanal de ouro em Manica

Reports & Research
Février, 2016

A exploração artesanal de ouro é uma das principais actividades de rendimento das populações de Manica. O seu legado é transmitido entre gerações. Os vestígios da exploração são notórios ao longo das montanhas, rios e dentro das comunidades. Esta actividade, em alguns casos, envolve toda a família (pai, mãe e filhos) com uma divisão clara de tarefas.

Produção alimentar nos reassentamentos: o caso de Cateme em Moatize

Conference Papers & Reports
Décembre, 2013

Durante os últimos anos, o país tem atraído volumes de investimentos crescentes no sector dos recursos minerais, nomeadamente para exploração de gás, areias pesadas, exploração de carvão mineral. A maior parte destes investimentos impõem reassentamentos da população, tendo nos últimos cinco anos deslocado cerca de 20.000 pessoas, das quais aproximadamente 50% destas só na Província de Tete (os reassentamentos para dar lugar as minas de Carvão de Moatize e de Benga).

Mineração artesanal em Moçambique – cenário far west e propostas de mudança

Policy Papers & Briefs
Juillet, 2017

Numa semana em que o problema do garimpo entrou na agenda noticiosa – em resultado dos graves conflitos que se verificam em Namanhumbir, no distrito de Montepuez, neste destaque rural pretende-se reflectir sobre os problemas socio-económicos resultantes da mineração artesanal em Moçambique, procurando-se sugerir algumas medidas para uma exploração mais sustentável e com benefícios mútuos, quer para o Estado, para as empresas, populações e operadores locais.


Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Décembre, 2017
Asie orientale

It is acknowledged that conflict over land is a major source of violence in various parts of Mindanao, particularly the prosed Bangsamoro region. Historical accounts trace the root cause of land issues and identity-based conflict to the introduction of the Regalian doctrine of land ownership by Spanish colonizers. During the American colonial regime at the turn of the 20th century, dispossession of land held by the original inhabitants of Mindanao accelerated, with an emphasis of titling lands for private ownership that clashed with the tradition of ancestral domain.

Mining in Africa

Reports & Research
Journal Articles & Books
Février, 2017

This study focuses on the local and regional impact of large-scale gold mining in Africa in the context of a mineral boom in the region since 2000. It contributes to filling a gap in the literature on the welfare effects of mineral resources, which, until now, has concentrated more on the national or macroeconomic impacts. Economists have long been intrigued by the paradox that a rich endowment of natural resources may retard economic performance, particularly in the case of mineral-exporting developing countries.

Appropriate Groundwater Management Policy for Sub-Saharan Africa

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2011

This paper provides an overview of major groundwater issues for Sub-Saharan Africa, with an assessment of their policy implications in terms of potential development and appropriate management. In terms of construction time, capital outlay and drought resilience, groundwater is the preferred source to meet most water-supply demands, despite hydro geological complexity, natural constraints on water well yields and quality, and institutional weaknesses.