Physical Development Plan for North Montserrat: 2012 - 2022.
The Physical Development Plan for North Montserrat is a regional policy with a multi-sectoral approach. The timeframe of the Plan is 10 years between 2012 and 2022.
The Physical Development Plan for North Montserrat is a regional policy with a multi-sectoral approach. The timeframe of the Plan is 10 years between 2012 and 2022.
La presente Ley define, entre otros, los conceptos de biodiversidad, conservación del patrimonio ambiental, contaminación, impacto ambiental, desarrollo sustentable, zona latente y zona saturada. La Ley establece que determinados proyectos o actividades solo podrán ejecutarse o modificarse previa su evaluación del impacto ambiental (EIA), correspondiendo a la Comisión Regional o Nacional del Medio Ambiente la administración del sistema de EIA, así como la coordinación de los organismos del Estado involucrados en la obtención de los permisos o pronunciamientos.
The National Policy on Forests developed by the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry is a nation-wide sectoral document for designating the complex of actions shaping relations between humankind and forests, with the aim of preserving the conditions for the indefinite maintenance of the multi-functionality of forests, their multi-faceted utility and protection and their role in the shaping of the natural environment, in line with the present and future expectations of society.
This Act makes amendments to the Forestry Act consequential to the entry into force of the Customary Land Act, 2016. It inserts in section 2 the definition of the "customary land committee" and "local government authority" and amends section 26 by inserting the words "the Minister responsible for physical planning," immediately after the words "the Minister responsible for land matters", section 30 by replacing the words "any village headman' with the words " a customary land committee" and section 32 by replacing "District Councils" with "local government authorities".
The Environmental Policy Strategy is a national cross-sectoral strategy of Latvia for the period 2009-2015. Its main objective is to provide the public with the opportunity to live in a clean and well-arranged environment through sustainable development, preservation of environmental quality and biological diversity, sustainable use of natural resources, as well as participation of the public in the decision-making and its awareness of the environmental situation.
The Vanuatu Land Use Planning Policy is a national sectoral policy of Vanuatu for the period 2012-2017. Its main objective is to guide land use planning by setting priorities and outlining legislative and institutional settings to enable land use planning that encourages the best current use of Vanuatu’s land resources.The Policy aims to support food security.
Le présent code fixe les règles qui régissent l’urbanisme, l’habitat et la construction sur l’ensemble du territoire national, conformément aux dispositions légales se rapportant à l’assainissement et à la protection de l’environnement. En effet, ce code définit les différentes opérations d'urbanisme concrétisant les diverses destinations prévues pour les espaces urbains par les schémas directeurs d'aménagement et d'urbanisme et d'autres outils d'urbanisation.
The National Environment Strategy and Action Plan (NESAP) 2016-2023 is developed in accordance with the the Constitution and 1996 Law on Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management. It is aligned to Rectangular Strategy Phase III (RSIII), that reaffirms the RGC’s mission and commitment to sustainable development and poverty reduction responding to the people’s will and changing contexts of national and international developments.
El presente Decreto tiene por objeto establecer las condiciones bajo las cuales se realizarán las actividades de deforestación, movimientos de tierra, estabilización de taludes, arborización de áreas verdes y todo lo relacionado con la protección de los suelos. Las presentes normas se aplican a los aprovechamientos de terrenos que requieran alteración de la topografía a través de movimientos de tierra, mediante deforestación, remoción de la vegetación, excavación, nivelación y relleno.
This Regional Law regulates relations originating in the sphere of conservation, management, promotion and state protection of the objects of cultural heritage.
This policy provides the framework for addressing problems and constraints to ensure equity in land allocation and holding and to maintain a stable environment for the country's sustainable social and economic development.
This Resolution assigns to the competent governmental agencies elaboration and approval of legislative acts related to conservation of soil and improvement of soil fertility, indicators of soil quality, data and information collection related to land degradation, reform of the system of environmental monitoring, rates of afforestation for planting of protection forests with a view of soil protection against desertification and elaboration of water basin management system with drought management plans.