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IssuesurbanisationLandLibrary Resource
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Alternativas de solución a la problemática de crecimiento urbano caso de estudio expansión del casco urbano de Bogotá, sobre la sabana de Bogotá

Reports & Research

La presente tesis tiene la finalidad de, a partir del estudio y la simulación en la aplicación de modelos de planificación urbana, proponer alternativas de solución a la problemática de crecimiento acelerado, ocasionado por la expansión urbana de la ciudad de Bogotá hacia la Sabana.


Reports & Research

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo examinar el centro urbano la expansión territorial de Marechal Cândido Rondon (PR) en el período 1960 a 2008 a fin de vincular este proceso con la dinámica productiva del campo. Lanzados, como hipótesis central que, en caso de Marechal Cândido Rondon una estrecha relación entre la especulación inmobiliaria, la producción del espacio urbano y la producción económica del campo.

Terras da União

Reports & Research
Mars, 2015
Amérique du Sud
As terras de domínio público dão lugar à produção do espaço urbano assim como as terras de propriedade privada. O contraste entre cidade formal e informal, tão característico no Brasil, não faz essa distinção, estando refletido também nas terras pertencentes à União. Esta, titular da dominialidade sobre esses bens, importante reserva pública de recursos fundiários, estaria representando o interesse público, do Estado, ou da acumulação capitalista, na gestão do que se denomina de Patrimônio da União?

Urbanization, climate change and water security: a study of vulnerability and adaptation in Sultanpur and Jhanjhrola Khera in peri-urban Gurgaon, India

Décembre, 2011

This paper describes how urbanization and climate change shape water insecurity in two villages, Sultanpur and Jhanjhrola Khera in periurban Gurgaon in the North-West Indian state of Haryana. Using ethnographic and participatory approaches, it documents the people's lived experience of a changing climate and water insecurity. While urbanization and climate variability alter the availability of water, the effects of this are aggravated by a complex interaction of caste, class, gender and locational factors.

Women, slums and urbanisation: examining the causes and consequences

Janvier, 2008
Asie orientale
Afrique sub-saharienne
Asie méridionale
Amérique latine et Caraïbes

Countries throughout the world are rapidly urbanising, particularly in the developing world, and for the first time in human history, the majority of people today are no longer living in rural areas, but rather in cities. This report examines the worldwide phenomenon of urbanisation from the point of view of women’s housing rights.

Persistence and change in Hakha Chin land and resource tenure

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2018

The research provides a holistic overview of the key changes that affected Northern Chin society from pre-colonial times up to now in villages close to Hakha town where State penetration was stronger than in more remote

areas. The study sheds light on the overlapping and evolving statutory and customary land systems and on the issues faced by contemporary Chin communities as they seek to govern land and natural resources.

Review of Selected Land Laws and the Governance of Tenure in the Philippines

Journal Articles & Books
Septembre, 2014

The Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT), was developed under the Committee on World Food Security as a result of collaboration among different groups of stakeholders – governments, civil society, private sector, academia. The VGGT is intended to provide a framework for responsible tenure governance that supports food security, poverty alleviation, sustainable resource use and environmental protection.

Mekong Land Research Forum: Annual country reviews 2018-19

Policy Papers & Briefs
Janvier, 2019
Viet Nam

The Annual Country Reviews reflect upon current land issues in the Mekong Region, and has been produced for researchers, practitioners and policy advocates operating in the field. Specialists have been selected from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam to briefly answer the following two questions:

1. What are the most pressing issues involving land governance in your country?

2. What are the most important issues for the researcher on land?

The role of universities in participatory informal settlement upgrading: experiences from Kenya, Namibia, Uganda, and Zambia.

Juillet, 2017

This document is a report on the session that focused on the role of universities in participatory informal settlement upgrading at the workshop titled "Bottom-up city Wide planning in Gobabis", which took place on 11-13 May 2017, in Gobabis. The event was convened by the Namibia Housing Action Group (NHAG) and the Shack Dwellers Federation, with support from Shack Dwellers International (SDI).

Urban land reform in Namibia

Août, 2018

This document outlines some pertinent questions regarding urbanization in Namibia, provides central policy recommendations and identifies relevant research gaps to guide the policy debate on urban land reform as part of the 2nd National Land Conference scheduled for 1-5 October 2018.