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Loi sur le développement rural.

Europe occidentale

La présente loi réglemente le développement rural. Elle a pour objectifs: a) le renforcement de l'économie cantonale; b) la sauvegarde de la viabilité des espaces ruraux; c) l'atténuation des disparités régionales; d) le maintien d'une forte population rurale; e) la promotion d'une économie agricole efficace; f) le développement d'entreprises de type familial; g) une production saine et de qualité; h) la sauvegarde du patrimoine et la préservation de l'environnement. En outre, elle complète et met en oeuvre la législation fédérale, notamment la loi fédérale sur l'agriculture.

Law on land use planning and building regulations (Building Law).

Europe occidentale

The present Law lays down provisions concerning land use planning, protection of the environment and building regulations. The Canton shall issue guidelines for land use planning and local authorities shall issue guidelines for its application. They shall also ensure the application of all legislation dealing with the environment. Article 40 deals with the conservation, care and configuration of landscape, nature protection regions, and cultural heritage.

Law for Preservation of the Agricultural Lands.

Europe orientale

The purpose of this law is to preserve from damage the restoration and improvement of the fertility of agricultural lands and determine the conditions for changing their designation.The Law consists of 9 Chapters divided into 46 articles: General provisions (I); Preservation of agricultural lands from damage (II); Recreation and improvement of the productive qualities of agricultural lands (III); Reclamation of lands (IV); Change of the designation of the agricultural lands for needs different from the agricultural (V); Taxes for change of the designation of agricultural land (VI); Revoking

Law No. 54/2005 on the legal regime of water domain.

Europe méridionale

This Law, composed of 30 articles, regulates the legal regime of water domain. It applies to water, stream beds, waterfront zone, bordering areas, protected areas and maximum infiltration areas. The Law regulates public water domain, providing a classification of the water domain forsea, rivers, lakes and other water resources. For each classified type it regulates the applicable domain.

National Forestry Law.

Afrique occidentale

This Act makes provision, in 22 Chapters, for the management and conservation of forest resources of Liberia, defines ownership rights and other rights in forests, provides for the protection of the environment and wildlife in forests, regulates the trade in forest products and provides for various other matters relative to forestry and wildlife.Chapter 2 defines rights in forest resources in Liberia and grants the right to the Forestry Development Authority to lease out forestry land.

Law on land.

Asie orientale

The Law consists of 7 Chapters composed of 67 articles dealing with the following matters: 1) general provisions (chapt. 1, arts. 1-8); 2) the unified land territory and its basic classification (chapt. 2, arts. 9-16); 3) the authority of the government bodies and local self-governing organizations regarding land issues (chapt. 3, arts. 17 – 23); 4) land management, land register and the unified land territory report (chapt. 4, arts. 24-26); 5) concession of land in ownership and lease (chapt. 5, arts. 27-51); 6) efficient and rational use of land and land protection (chapt. 6, arts.

Trust Land Act (Cap. 288).

Décembre, 1937
Afrique orientale

This Act makes provision for the administration of Trust land as defined by section 114 of the Constitution of Kenya, the setting apart of an area of Trust land for use and occupation for specified purposes, the use of Trust land and for other related purposes.

Expropriation Act (R.S.N.B. 1973, c. E-14).

Amérique septentrionale

The purpose of the present Act is to regulate expropriation procedures in the province of New Brunswick. The Act contains at the outset a definition clause relating to various terms employed therein such as, for example, “court”, “Council of a municipality”, “expropriate”, “expropriating authority”, “injurious affection”, “land”, “owner”, “tenant”, etc. Part I lays down provisions relating to expropriation proceedings and Part II deals with compensation to land owners.

Expropriations Act (R.S.O. 1990, c. E.26).

Amérique septentrionale

The present Act lays down provisions relating to expropriation proceedings. The Act contains at the outset a definition clause relating to various terms employed therein such as, for example, “Board”, “expropriate”, “expropriating authority”, “injurious affection”, “owner”, registered owner”, “tenant”. Section 13 establishes that where land is expropriated, the compensation payable to the owner shall be based upon: a) the market value of the land; b) the damages attributable to disturbance; c) damages for injurious affection; and d) any special difficulties in relocation.

Land Titles Act, 2000 (S.S. 2000, c. L-5.1).

Amérique septentrionale

The purpose of the present Act is to ensure the registration of title to and interests in land. The Act contains at the outset a definition clause relating to various terms employed therein such as, for example, “abstract directory”, “application”, “assignment”, “condominium plan”, “Controller of Surveys”, “corporation”, “Crown”, “Deputy Registrar”, “land registry”, “lease”, “mineral parcel”, “mineral title”, “registration”, etc.