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Land, Environment and Natural Resources Submission to the Constitution of Kenya Review Commission From Kenya Land Alliance

Journal Articles & Books
Juin, 2002

The Kenya Land Alliance (KLA) is a focal point for information sharing and networking among those pressing for land reform in Kenya. It was formed in 1999 by members of civil society to propose reforms both to the Commission on the Review of Land Laws, appointed by the President, and the Constitution of Kenya Review Commission, appointed by Parliament. Over the last two years, the KLA has coordinated a programme of research on land issues in Kenya by member organisations

Land Mali Umma

Journal Articles & Books
Septembre, 2001

For a long time the issue of land and related problems has been debated mostly by academicians, politicians and professionals. Although the problem has remained more or less one of the most talked of in Kenya, the public has very often been left out of the debate. Again mostly the debate has been dominated more by complaining about either the lack of policy or the bad land policies and laws and the failure by successive governments to correct those problems.

Relevance of the World Social Forum to the Kenyan Situation

Policy Papers & Briefs
Janvier, 2007

The World Social Forum in Nairobi in January 2007 was a timely New Year rallying event for Kenyans to revisit the fundamental principles for building a democratic and sustainable society as we prepare for December 2007 elections.The current organizing principles of the institutions that govern us in Kenya are narrow and serve the few at the expense of the many millions of Kenyans that live in abject poverty. Yet, from all corners of the country it is acknowledged that it is within our collective ability to create a healthy and sustainable society that serves and work for all

Bioeconomic modelling – An application of environmentally adjusted economic accounts and the computable general equilibrium model

Peer-reviewed publication
Février, 2020
États-Unis d'Amérique

Building on the current international discourse and United Nation's System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) this study provides further empirical evidences on how failure to include natural capital resources in national accounting leads to erroneous calculation of macroeconomic estimates. The SEEA methodological framework for integrating natural capital into the System of National Accounts amplifies analytical power of computable general equilibrium (CGE) models and allows to investigate relationship between the economy and the environment.

Foncier et séquestration du carbone dans les sols

Institutional & promotional materials
Décembre, 2018

Pour explorer les nexus entre les questions foncières et les mécanismes favorisant la séquestration du carbone dans les sols, et faire des recommandations pour une  meilleure prise en compte du foncier dans la mise en place de ces dispositifs, l’initiative « 4 pour 1000 » et le CTFD ont organisé les 13 et 14 décembre 2017 avec le soutien de l’AFD et de la Banque mondiale, une rencontre de haut niveau mobilisant spécialistes et experts. Ces 2 journées se sont structurées en 3 temps :

Are intervention methods and systems used by agroecology advocates pertinent and effective ?

Institutional & promotional materials
Décembre, 2018
Afrique occidentale

Agroecology being diverse and multidimensional, a broad range of issues were addressed such as the fundamental role of crop biodiversity, the highly preoccupying status of agrochemical use in the region, the need for appropriate-scale machinery, the importance of innovative and  participatory intervention mechanisms, the recognition and integration of Indigenous Knowledge, the capacity building of the new generation, the marketing of agroecological products…

Three main take home messages emerged from all the discussions:

Convergence under pressure : Different routes to private ownership through land reforms in four Mekong countries (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam)

Institutional & promotional materials
Décembre, 2015
Viet Nam

This paper aims to provide keys that will help us understand contemporary land dynamics in these four countries. In order to do so it highlights their similarities and differences, both in the long history that shaped today’s local land situations and in more recent reforms implemented in the context of greater economic openness.
The first part of the paper sets the cultural and historical context, with an overview of the diverse ways that the political authorities and different groups within the region have related to land.

État des lieux de la gouvernance des ressources pastorales et forestières au Sénégal

Institutional & promotional materials
Août, 2015

L’objectif de cette étude est d’analyser les enjeux majeurs qui se posent en matière de sécurisation et de gestion du foncier pastoral et forestier au Sénégal, en vue de formuler des propositions ciblées permettant d’enrichir le paquet de propositions paysannes de réforme foncière déjà élaborées et portées par le Cadre National de Concertation et de Coopération des Ruraux (CNCR).

Le champ d’analyse  met l’accent sur les axes ci-après :

1/ identifier les grands enjeux de la gouvernance des ressources pastorales et forestières ;

Comments on the proposed environmental code of cambodia (V6) and proposed amendments for a better recognition of customary tenure rights in protected areas

Institutional & promotional materials
Décembre, 2016

The « Environment and Natural Resources Code of Cambodia » (Sixth Draft – – 20 November 2016) is a very extensive proposed law (535 pages !) which will have, if adopted, major impacts on many aspects of Cambodian development (Mines, Energy, Urban planning, etc..) but is particularly important for the management of Protected Areas and of Forests and Fisheries. The code has been elaborated by a panel of experts and several working groups led by Vishnu Law Group. A public national consultation has been organized by MOE in Dec 2016.

Women and natural resources:Unlocking the peacebuilding potential

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2013

This report is the product of a two-year collaboration between the four partners to: (i) improve the understanding of the complex relationship between women and natural resources in conflict-affected settings, and (ii) make the case for pursuing gender equality, women’s empowerment and sustainable natural resource management together in support of peacebuilding. Part 1 provides an analysis of the relationship between women and natural resources in peacebuilding contexts, reviewing key issues across three main categories of resources, including land, renewable and extractive resources.