After Accra
What is needed to deliver on the AAA, and what the international donors and the World Bank Group need to do.
What is needed to deliver on the AAA, and what the international donors and the World Bank Group need to do.
An efficient and affordable access to
jobs, education and services is considered a fundamental
element for development. However, the mobility conditions in
the cities have deteriorated because of the increasing
motorization and urbanization. The number of new cars that
enter the cities every year outpaces the construction of new
roads, aggravating the existing congestion issues.
Therefore, the urban models that revolve around highways and
Lao PDR's economic outlook remains favorable, with continued strong growth. Gross domestic product (GDP) growth remained at above 7 percent in 2007. Output expanded in mining, newly emerging processing industries, agriculture, and new construction of hydropower projects, tourism and other services. Non-resource sectors contributed over 5 percent to this growth, and the resource sector around 2.5 percent.
The Lao PDR economy continues to grow, but at a relatively slower pace as the impacts of the global financial turmoil are starting to be felt. Real gross domestic product (GDP) growth is expected to slow in 2008 to about 7 percent as result of the impacts of the global financial crisis. GDP growth is also projected to slow to between 5 and 6 percent in 2009. However, growth remains fairly strong and still driven by the ongoing hydropower projects as well as agro processing industries, construction and other services.
En 2006, la Commission de l’Union Africaine (CUA), la Commission Economique pour l’Afrique (CEA) et la Banque africaine de Développement (BAD) ont unis leurs efforts dans le cadre d’une initiative désormais connue sous le nom d’Initiative conjointe sur les politiques foncières en Afrique. L’objectif de cette initiative était de travailler sur les problèmes et enjeux relatifs aux politiques foncières en Afrique, dans la perspective du développement d’un cadre visant le renforcement des droits fonciers, l’accroissement de la productivité et l’amélioration des conditions de vie.
But de l’Initiative sur les politiques foncières
L’Initiative sur les politiques foncières vise principalement à « aider les États membres dans la mise en oeuvre de la Déclaration de l’Union africaine sur les problèmes et enjeux fonciers en Afrique, conformément aux Cadre et directives pour les politiques foncières en Afrique, afin de réaliser le développement socioéconomique, la paix, la sécurité et le respect de l’environnement ».
"Part of the difficulty in responding to the food crisis is the lack of credible and up-todate data on the impacts of food prices on poor people and on the effects of policy responses. Such information would allow international and national decision makers to use feedback to adjust their responses and achieve maximum effectiveness. Much more investment and sound coordination is needed in this area. So far, national and international responses to the food crisis are mixed in terms of their likely effectiveness.
"The dramatic rise and volatility of food prices over the last year have shaken the global food system. Governments and the international development community generally have responded to various aspects of the food crisis, but questions remain about whether the right actions are being pursued, how best to respond, and what the future holds.
In 2008, a year in which the global population—particularly the world’s poor—was confronted by both the financial and food-price crises, agricultural systems faced changes that led to market disruptions, reduced growth, mass protests, and a string of political efforts to reshape the design and governance of food systems.
El dramático aumento y la volatilidad de los precios de los alimentos durante el último año han sacudido al sistema alimentario mundial. Por lo general, tanto los gobiernos como la comunidad dedicada al desarrollo internacional han respondido ante diversos aspectos de la crisis alimentaria, pero todavía permanecen las preguntas sobre si se han tomado o no las acciones más adecuadas, cuál es la mejor forma de responder y qué nos aguarda en el futuro.
The report includes three essays about Responding to the World Food Crisis: Getting on the Right Track by Joachim von Braun, High Global Food Prices: The Challenges and Opportunities by Josette Sheeran, and Policy Implications of High Food Prices for Africa by Namanga Ngongi.