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IssuesagricultureLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 253 - 264 of 2160

The Impact of Government Policies on Land Use in Northern Vietnam: An Institutional Approach for Understanding Farmer Decisions

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2007
Viet Nam

SUMMARY: Deforestation has become an issue of increasing concern in many tropical countries. In Vietnam, the response of policymakers has been embodied in several policies and programs, including land classification, land use rights devolution and reforestation schemes. Understanding how these state initiatives have affected the farmer’s land use decisions is essential to further guide policymakers in developing national planning strategies.

Power, Progress and Impoverishment: Plantations, Hydropower, Ecological Change and Community Transformation in Hinboun District, Lao PDR

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2007

TAKEN FROM EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This report documents the contemporary ecological, social and economic transformations occurring in one village in Lao PDR’s central Khammouane province under multiple sources of development-induced displacement. Rural development policy in Laos is focused on promoting rapid rural modernisation, to be achieved through foreign direct investments in two key resource sectors: hydropower and plantations.

‘Voluntary’ Migration in Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2007

This paper is part of a collection of five policy briefs was commissioned by the World Bank for the 2009 World Development Report Reshaping Economic Geography. Through relocation policies, the Government of Lao PDR seeks to transform what it considers to be a traditional, rural economy into a modernised market-oriented system by eradicating shifting cultivation, changing the way that land is allocated and by reaching communities.

Opportunities, risks and growing inequality: The Charoen Pokphand Group and maize smallholder production in Shan State, Myanmar

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2015

A case study commissioned and published by Land Core Group and conducted by Kevin Woods on the risks, opportunities and inequalities presented by contract farming and industrialised farming techniques in practice. The case study examines maize smallholder production in Shan State, a contract farming scheme by the Charoen Pokphand Group. Draft published for review in December 2015.

Políticas públicas y el problema de la tierra en el Uruguay actual - Pablo Diaz. (julio 2015)

Policy Papers & Briefs
Septembre, 2015

Documento que en primer lugar realiza un breve recorrido histórico sobre el proceso de incorporación de tierras para ser distribuidas mediante el Instituto Nacional de Colonización, señalando la interacción entre Estado y sociedad civil en diferentes etapas, y algunas problemáticas estructurales para su efectiva aplicación. En segundo lugar, se identifican diversas intervenciones en materia de tenencia,…

Asentamiento Arsenio Vásquez

Reports & Research
Mai, 2014

El asentamiento Arsenio Vásquez es fruto de una ocupación masiva de familias locales de la Federación Nacional Campesina y la regularización se dio a través de un acuerdo firmado entre la organización nacional y el Estado paraguayo en 2004. Se trata de una propiedad común donde las familias locales no tienen títulos individuales, pero sí documentos que respaldan la ocupación de sus fincas.

Asentamiento Nueva Esperanza

Reports & Research
Juillet, 2015

El Caso del Asentamiento Nueva Esperanza, en Paraguay, es una lucha emblemática por la tierra y el manejo racional de los recursos naturales. Dos comunidades se organizaron e identificaron tierras no lejanas en estado de abandono, y empezaron las gestiones para adjudicárselas. A partir de febrero de 1999, 120 familias comienzan los trámites ante el INDERT.