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The National Land Policy in Kenya Must Address Natural Resources

Policy Papers & Briefs
Septembre, 2004

Although The National Land Policy Formulation Process is concentrated on addressing land issues, the reform agenda requires inter- alia that there are policy directions for establishing an equitable framework for economic growth and access to natural resources. The natural resources in question include water, forests, minerals, mineral oils, wildlife, marine resources, fisheries, pastures, and wetlands.

How Should the ‘Ndung’u’ Report Recommendations be Implemented? - What Kenyans Say.

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2004

The report of the Presidential Commission of Inquiry into the Illegal/Irregular Allocation of Public Land is finally out! Popularly known as the ‘Ndung’u’ Report, the publication of this three-volume document is important to the Kenya Land Alliance for two major reasons. Firstly, the appointment of the Coordinator of the Kenya Land Alliance to the Commission marked a threshold in the relations between KLA and the Government of Kenya.

Strengthening Women's Voices in the Context of Agriclutural Investments: Lessons From Kenya

Journal Articles & Books
Juillet, 2016

This report, which focuses on Kenya, constitutes one of four country-wide assessments produced under the overall project. It draws on a literature review conducted by the Kenya Land Alliance (KLA) with additional inputs from IIED, as well as on primary field research conducted by KLA in April 2016 (see Section 1.2 for further information about the research methodology).

Unjust Enrichment-The Making of Land Grabbing Millionaires-Living Large Series

Policy Papers & Briefs
Juin, 2006

The illegal and irregular allocations of public land as chronicled in the Ndungu Report amount to a rip-off that dwarfs the Goldenberg and Anglo-Leasing scandals. Our analysis in this first issue in the series covers Karura, Ngong Road and Kiptagich forests and suggests a loss of public resources in excess of Ksh.18.4 billion. The Ndungu Report covers ten other forests as well as other public land, ranging from road reserves to cemeteries to public toilets and even State House land. As we cover these in future issues of the series, the cumulative loss will certainly be astounding.

Building an effective coalition to improve forest policy: Lessons from the coastal Tripa peat swamp rainforest, Sumatra, Indonesia

Peer-reviewed publication
Novembre, 2020

In recent history, Indonesian forest policies have been dominated by deforestation in the name of economic progress. Many actors have expressed concerns about this trend and have tried to reverse it in favour of a more sustainable pathway. From 2004–2017, non-governmental environmental organisations fought for the case of the coastal Tripa peat swamp rainforest in the province of Aceh, Sumatra. Unique in Indonesian history, they managed halting and reversing the deforestation of an area.

Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic On Women In The Artisanal Mining Sector in Kenya

Institutional & promotional materials
Février, 2021
KLA undertook a study to highlight the impacts and emerging hidden dimensions of the COVID-19 pandemic on Women in the artisanal mining sector across the Country. From the in depth analysis, it is evident that the pandemic disproportionately affected at least 28 percent of women who depend on small scale mining for their livelihood.


Journal Articles & Books
Février, 2021


A myriad of Non-Governmental Institutions that form the land Sector Non-State Actors (LSNSA) have collaboratively developed an advocacy strategy to guide various engagements initiatives in the advocacy of the implementation of the Community Land Act,2016.

This Strategy highlights the roles of key actors: The Government, the Communities and Civil Society Organizations.

The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Land Marginalized Communities In Kenya

Policy Papers & Briefs
Août, 2020

In the wake of the coronavirus crisis, governments across the world, including that ofKenya, have adopted a raft of far-reaching measures to curtail the spread of the virus.In Kenya, measures put in place include closure of learning institutions, mandatory selfquarantine for all who have entered the country in the recent past, pay cuts for a number of top civil servants, limited movement of prisoners and cessation of prison visits. The Judiciary and other government institutions have scaled down operations,among other actions.

Evaluation of Urban Land Administration Processes and Institutional Arrangements of Ethiopia: Based on Advocacy Coalition Theory

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2019

Land is the most vital resource on earth from which humankind derives almost all its basic needs. Land plays significant role through economic, social, political and cultural dimensions. Administration of this vital resource (Land) is a major issue underlying social, economic and cultural development. Its protection will be sustainable if there is proper land administration system. Land administration and management in urban Ethiopia during the last decade was in transition and has faced many interrelated challenges simultaneously.