Acompáñenos en el lanzamiento en línea de Prindex, la primera encuesta mundial que mide la seguridad de las personas en cuanto a sus derechos de tierra y propiedad. Habiendo publicado previamente datos y análisis de 33 países, Prindex está ahora preparado para publicar su conjunto de datos globales…
Acknowledging the centrality of land issues to end hunger and achieve sustainable development, countries have agreed to meet ambitious land targets by 2030. Five years into the SDGs, persistent land insecurity, land evictions, threats to land rights defenders and other challenges show that the land…
Land Portal Foundation, Landesa - Rural Development Institute, International Land Coalition
Global commitments to women’s land rights have never been stronger, yet there are gaps in rigorous evidence on the effectiveness of particular strategies to strengthen women’s land rights in practice. In this webinar we will host a forward looking discussion on gaps and opportunities for research…
Date: Mercredi 22 juillet 2020
Heure: 9:00 - 10:30 EST - 3:00 - 4:30 CEST
Les engagements mondiaux pour les droits fonciers des femmes n’ont jamais été aussi importants. Cependant, dans les faits, il existe des écarts dans l’effectivité des différentes stratégies mises en oeuvre pour…
Reconociendo la importancia de las cuestiones relativas a la tierra para poner fin al hambre y lograr el desarrollo sostenible, los países han convenido en cumplir objetivos ambiciosos en materia de tierras para 2030. A cinco años de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio (ODS o SDG en inglés), la…
Junte-se a nós para o lançamento online do Prindex, a primeira pesquisa global que mede a segurança das pessoas de acordo a seus direitos à propiedade da terra. Tendo publicado anteriormente dados e análises para 33 países, a Prindex está pronta para lançar seu conjunto de dados global sobre 140…
Date: 17/09/2020
Un agridébat 100 % en distanciel, organisé par le think tank agridées, en partenariat avec l’IHEDREA et Les Clés de l’agriculture !
Sophie Devienne, Professeur d’Agriculture comparée et développement agricole à Agroparistech, Membre de l’Académie d’agriculture de…
The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) will organize a High-Level Virtual Special Event on Food Security and Nutrition, 13 - 15 October 2020. The session, in lieu of CFS 47 which has been rescheduled to 8 - 12 February 2021 in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, will seek to keep food security and…
Wednesday, September 2nd, 9:00 AM-10:30 AM EST (3:00 PM – 4:30 PM CEST)
Three-quarters of emerging infectious diseases are zoonoses, meaning they can be transmitted from animals to humans, with Ebola, SARS, MERS and now COVID-19 being examples. Scientists are warning that deforestation, industrial…
Ford Foundation, Land Portal Foundation, The Tenure Facility, Thomson Reuters Foundation
Indigenous Peoples and local communities manage more than half of the world´s land. These biodiverse ancestral lands are vital to the people who steward them and the planet we all share. But governments only recognize indigenous and community legal ownership of 10 percent of the world´s lands. …
Ford Foundation, Land Portal Foundation, The Tenure Facility, Thomson Reuters Foundation
As COVID-19 has hobbled governments around the world, environmental protections have diminished or disappeared altogether, leaving the door wide open for abuse, corruption, land grabs. Indigenous peoples and their territories are prime targets to pillage during this vulnerable period…
Ford Foundation, Land Portal Foundation, The Tenure Facility, Thomson Reuters Foundation
Coastal and marine ecosystems serve key roles for carbon storage, nutrients and materials cycling, as well as reservoirs of biodiversity. They also provide ecosystems services such as sustenance for millions of people, coastal protection against wave action, and recreational activities. Remote…