Join us for the Land Rights and COVID-19 webinar and discussion series, which is presented by Land Portal, Landesa, the Global Protection Cluster HLP AOR and GIZ, with organizing support from Environmental Peacebuilding Association, LANDac, New America and the UK's Department for International…
Global Protection Cluster Housing, Land, and Property Area of Responsibility, Environmental Peacebuilding, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, Landesa - Rural Development Institute, Land Portal Foundation, New America, LANDac
Join us for the Land Rights and COVID-19 webinar and discussion series, which is presented by Land Portal, Landesa, the Global Protection Cluster HLP AOR and GIZ, with organizing support from Environmental Peacebuilding Association, LANDac, New America and the UK's Department for International…
New America, Landesa - Rural Development Institute, Land Portal Foundation, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, Environmental Peacebuilding, Global Protection Cluster Housing, Land, and Property Area of Responsibility, LANDac
Date: June 23rd
Time: 14 h 00-17 h 00 CET
In these difficult times, our well-being is dependent on so many different factors and chief amongst these is our right to reliable information. Over the past ten years, the Land Portal has been working to improve access to land-related data and…
Land Portal Foundation, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Date: Thursday, May 21, 2020
Time: 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM CEST/1.00-2.00 PM EST
Access to Land is the epicenter of SDGs for Zero hunger just as the right of ownership goes with economic fortunes and empowerment .When Small holder Farmers are empowered with the rights and access to own land, it…
Land consolidation is a well-proven land management instrument, which has traditionally been used for agricultural development with a main objective of reducing land fragmentation and increasing holding and farm sizes. Some European countries have a land consolidation tradition that goes back a…
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), International Federation of Surveyors (FIG), Land Portal Foundation
WEBCAST del evento en esta página
28 mayo 2020
A medida que la COVID-19 continúa expandiéndose por el mundo entero, nos vemos en la obligación de evaluar, de forma constante, nuestras expectativas en cuanto al impacto humano y los costos económicos que la pandemia traerá…
Session 1: June 8th
Session 2: June 23rd
Time: 14:00-17:00 CET
In these difficult times, our well-being is dependent on so many different factors and chief amongst these is our right to reliable information. Over the past ten years, the Land Portal has been working to improve access to land-…
Land Portal Foundation, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
JUNE 03, 2020 | 15:30 -16:30 (CEST)
Supporting the struggles of local land-users and communities to own, control and manage their land and natural resources is a long-term effort. It is complex, challenging and takes time. COVID19 has severely disrupted these efforts around the world, and the…
International Land Coalition, International Fund for Agricultural Development, Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo Nitlapan, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
Land Governance for Development - Special Online Edition!
Every summer, LANDac organises the 'Land Governance for Development' Summer School in Utrecht, the Netherlands.
This year, however, due to the global COVID19 pandemic, the Annual Summer School takes place online! Covid-19 and the measures…
O Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (CDS), a Universidade de Brasília (UnB) e a Rede de Estudos Ambientais em Países de Lingua Portuguesa (REALP) apresentam a Semana do Meio Ambiente 2020.
No dia 5 de Junho às 14:30 se apresentará a palestra:
Um mundo de riscos e desafios. Conquistar a…
Using technology to overcome development challenges is not a new phenomenon. This is particularly true in the land sector, where tools for collecting and managing data relating to land use and rights have advanced considerably in recent decades. However, with the recent onset of COVID-19 and…
Cadasta Foundation, Land Portal Foundation, Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources of Zambia, WMC Africa, Meridia, PlaceFund
This training will focus on the use of remote sensing to understand phenology: the study of life-cycle events. Phenological patterns and processes can vary greatly across a range of spatial and temporal scales, and can provide insights about ecological processes like invasive species encroachment…