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Map of América del Sur

América del Sur

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02 Julio 2024
GLOBAL – El pasado martes (02/07), Citibank publicó su nuevo marco de gestión de riesgos ambientales y sociales, comprometiéndose a no seguir financiando proyectos que impliquen la expansión de la frontera de petróleo y gas en la Amazonía. y la Coordinadora de Organizaciones Indígenas…
02 Julio 2024
El organismo aceptó la demanda interpuesta por el Colegio de Sociólogos contra la denominada Ley n.° 31973, promulgada por el Congreso de la República en enero pasado. La norma es cuestionada por su impacto social y ambiental en la deforestación y vulneración de los derechos de las poblaciones…
29 Enero 2024
El 26 de enero la Primera Sala Constitucional del Poder Judicial notificó al Congreso de la República la sentencia del proceso de cumplimiento que le ordena realizar la consulta previa de leyes y aprobar una ley sobre el procedimiento de esa consulta. En el año 2017 las organizaciones indígenas…

América del Sur



ISO 4217 code
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Project duration:
The Peruvian Amazon region is home to more than 50 indigenous peoples living in almost 2,270 communities. Around 30% of these communities – 680 – still have no collective land titles (government data 3/2020). This legal uncertainty causes disputes over land, exploitation of natural resources and growing pressure on indigenous territories as a result of infrastructure and industry projects and the influx of settlers from other parts of Peru. Over the decade until 2015, virtually no collective land titles were granted to indigenous communities. The reasons include a lack of clarity over responsibilities, inadequate capacity and budget limitations. The governing role for land titling was transferred back to the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (MINAGRI) in 2014, but regional government agencies remain in charge of the day to day implementation. Since late 2015, German development cooperation − in coordination with other international actors − has been addressing the need for standardised databases, simpler procedures for granting titles, guidelines on the involvement of indigenous peoples and communities, and dispute resolution strategies, as well as capacity development and adequate budgets.
Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands


ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
The Peruvian Amazon region is home to more than 50 indigenous peoples living in almost 2,270 communities. Around 30% of these communities – 680 – still have no collective land titles (government data 3/2020). This legal uncertainty causes disputes over land, exploitation of natural resources and growing pressure on indigenous territories as a result of infrastructure and industry projects and the influx of settlers from other parts of Peru. Over the decade until 2015, virtually no collective land titles were granted to indigenous communities. The reasons include a lack of clarity over responsibilities, inadequate capacity and budget limitations. The governing role for land titling was transferred back to the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (MINAGRI) in 2014, but regional government agencies remain in charge of the day to day implementation. Since late 2015, German development cooperation − in coordination with other international actors − has been addressing the need for standardised databases, simpler procedures for granting titles, guidelines on the involvement of indigenous peoples and communities, and dispute resolution strategies, as well as capacity development and adequate budgets.
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
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09 Septiembre 2024
En el corazón de la historia oral de la comunidad de Santo Madero está la leyenda de un árbol milagroso que se cayó después de una violenta tormenta y reapareció varios días después, erguido y verde. El evento, que refleja el realismo mágico por el que Colombia es famosa, se ha vuelto una pieza…
Fecha: 05 de julio, 2022 Hora: 15:00 -17:00 (UTC+2) Los debates sobre el acaparamiento de tierras por parte de empresas extranjeras en Brasil han aumentado en los últimos años. Estos acaparamientos de tierras repercuten en la soberanía alimentaria, el medio ambiente y la seguridad y los derechos de…
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30 Septiembre 2023