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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 1396 - 1400 of 2117

Improving trans-boundary agribusiness responsible land governance in C,L,M,V II


Oxfam in Myanmar seeks to contribute to the overall Mekong Regional Land Governance (MRLG) outcomes by engaging Myanmar and international agribusiness companies on land issues. In Myanmar, Oxfam will engage with local companies in Oxfam -organised workshops and meetings to raise awareness of land issues in the Shan and Kachin States. In addition, Oxfam will conduct research on company -community conflicts surrounding land acquisition in Myanmar, and support Oxfam in Vietnam's scoping trip and roundtable with Vietnamese companies in Myanmar. Oxfam in Myanmar will also participate in regional MRLG exchange trips and forums.

F.a: Ensuring rights to access and management of land for rural women in Karongi District


The government of Rwanda is not fully committed to implement and monitor legislative reforms improving women’s status. Additionally, attitudes and practices at local level are commonly in conflict with progressive legislation. The thought of private prop erty is often rejected and people are not well aware of the legislation or the official judicial system. It is common for women to perceive rights as privileges granted by men. The main goal of this project is to improve the realization of women’s land r ights and equal land tenure especially at Karong in Western Rwanda. The aim is to enhance the community’s knowledge on legislation and human rights, to strengthen women’s capacity to claim for their rights as well as to promote the implementation of pr ogressive legislation. Maison de Droit is an independent civil organization registered in 2006. 58 of the organisation’s 101 members are lawyers. The organization seeks to increase human rights knowledge and strengthen the communities’ participation in decision making. In addition, the organization aims to enhance realization and respect of human rights.

Help Haitian Family Farmers Keep Their Lands


Family farmers across Haiti have joined together to protect their lands from theft by tourism corporations, mining, and seizure by large landholders. These farmers are some of the poorest and hungriest people in the world. Other Worlds supports Haitians in their struggle for their human rights and land rights through media, advocacy, education, legal defense, international support, and funds, so they can stay on their ancestral land, keep farming, and feed their children.

F.a: Strengthening Indian Forest Communities' Struggles for Forest Commons


#The project will continue and build upon the work of All India Forum of Forest Movements (AIFFM) that was supported by Siemenpuu-Kansalaisliikkeiden yhteistyösäätiö sr during 2013—2014 (12046AAS + 13038AAS). The struggle for reclaiming and defending forest commons will be supported by centering on efforts to establish suitable commons governance institutions at the grassroots, and developing suitable political and organizational strategies at state, national and international levels. The main benefic iaries will be forest dwelling communities organized under various Gram Sabhas. The focus areas will be in the states of West Bengal, Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Telangana, where the work will be done in association with AIFFM constituent groups and other local groups.The activities include holding at least three All-India level and five state/sub-national level meetings, formulating political/organizational strategy documents and disseminating them, generating campaign materials, visiting variou s Gram Sabhas to facilitate the work of the movements, and providing financial support and information/knowledge to local movements.The activities will largely focus on increasing the spread of community institutions with a more articulate political focus on commons at various levels. A strong support group will also be created at pan-Indian level. The project will also further strengthen AIFFM as a network of diverse forest movements.Bajkul Gram Bharati (BGB) was established by youth inpired by Gandhian id eology in 1990. BGB works in West Bengal with e.g. rural women, land ownership, forest rights, as well as to defend the traditional village culture. BGB acts as a legal holder and financial coordinator in the project.All India Forum of Forest Movements (AI FFM) is a forum that implements the activities in the project. AIFFM is an evolving network, which campaigns particularly for the rights of forest dependent communities at the local level in several states and at the national level. AIFFM is a member of th e Global Forest Coalition (supported by Siemenpuu-Kansalaisliikkeiden yhteistyösäätiö sr) and is thus well linked with Siemenpuu-Kansalaisliikkeiden yhteistyösäätiö sr’s Global Dialogue program.#



Addition 2015 The federation, with support from Agriterra has been implementing the FACT4Budget project in 5 counties, where the federation has been building the capacity of the farmers to participate in budgetary allocation process at the county level. The methodology used is the Farmers Advocacy Consultation Tool (FACT) approach, which is a tool used by Farmer organizations to enhance their capacities to effectively participate in lobby processes. KenAFF would like to amplify the good lessons learned from the piloted counties on the FACT approach to cover twenty more counties as well as out scale the same to ten youth farmer organizations. 2014 Kenya National Federation of Agricultural Producers (KenFAP) is the apex farmers’ organization in Kenya. Its objective is to articulate issues affecting farmers by defending the interests of its members and the general farming community through focused lobby and advocacy to the relevant entities. The federation’s stronghold encompasses 2 million farm families drawn from the farming community structured into 10,000 farmer groups. The membership is spread over 42 out of the 47 counties in Kenya. The Kenya Constitution 2010 creates a county government structure which enables the national government to have considerable authority over the policy issues, regulation, capacity building, finance and technical assistance among others. On the other hand, county governments will be responsible for priority setting, financial management, agricultural production and related extension services in their respective areas of operation. This will allow a better alignment of the government actions and projects to the objectives and priorities of the national development agenda. By using the FACT approach Kenfap want to sustain the lobby and advocacy capacities of its members and to increase their participation in policy formulation processes and their representation in relevant stakeholder platforms. It is important to engage the relevant structures to focus on agricultural issues. Improved legislation is a prerequisite for fair prices for agricultural products, formalises land tenure rights and corrects adverse fiscal regimes. Enhanced participation in policy making can exercise influence by steering investments in infrastructure and enhanced budget allocation to agriculture. KenFAP will amplify the FACT (Farmers Advocacy Consultation Tool) Approach to cover twenty counties. 2015 (first semestre) OBJECTIVE The overall objective is to enhance farmers’ participation in the new devolved governance structure in Kenya for improved budgetary allocation to agricultural development and enhance youth engagement in agriculture The specific objectives:- a) To build capacity of leaders, youth and staff on governance and the FACT methodology; b) To enhance the capacity of the leaders, youth and staff through implementation of the FACT approach on budgetary allocation process; c) To improve the budgetary allocation tracking information systems, data bank to monitor and sustain lobby for budgetary allocation and best farming practices exchange platform; d) To enhance Institutional support and development of KenAFF and its constituents. Activities -To build capacity of youth and staff on governance and the FACT methodology; -To enhance the capacity of the leaders, youth and staff through implementation of the FACT approach on budgetary allocation process; -To strengthen the budgetary allocation tracking information systems and data bank to monitor and sustain lobby activity for budgetary allocation; -to enhance institutional support and development of KenAFF and its constituents. Results - 500 staff and leaders trained in FACT - 12.000 farm families reached - 10 county based youth councils: 250 youth leaders trained, 31250 youths reached; - Budgetary allocation to agriculture 2014 The overall objective is to enhance farmers’ participation in the new devolved governance structure in Kenya for improved budgetary allocation to agricultural development Specifically the objectives are : 1. To build capacity of leaders to identify county specific budgetary allocation issues for agricultural development 2. To carry out in-depth participatory research on the county specific issues identified on budgetary allocation for agricultural development 3. To develop county specific SMART proposal on budgetary allocation to Agriculture and engagement strategy to direct funding to support farmers initiatives 4. To establish budgetary allocation tracking information systems, data bank to monitor and sustain lobby for budgetary allocation This will be achieved by the following activities: 1.Training of staff and leaders on Farmers’ Advocacy Consultation Tool 2.To get better understanding KenFAP will organize participatory research: will link up with experts who will assist in defining methodology and ascertain what information to gather and how. The process will be followed by primary data collection which is backed up by desk study on the existing literature related to the issue. 3.Smart solutions will be packaged to develop a SMART proposal for each of the counties to be presented to county decision organs. 4.Developing a well elaborated engagement strategy using all available means of lobbying and advocating by proper lobby mapping etc. 5.To set up an strong budgetary allocation tracking and information dissemination system. Results: - Farmers leaders and staff trained on FACT approach - County specific lobby budgetary allocation issues identified - Farmers and farmer leaders consulted - Priority issues researched - Competing claims on budgetary allocation identified - Data collection tools developed - Enumeratos trained to administer tools - Experts to define technology - Software for data analysis procured - Validation workshops held - Final report produced - SMART proposal written - Engagement strategy developed (lobby mapping and stakeholder analyses) - Farmers groups sentized, recruited and organised - Consultative forums at all levels formed - Alliance formed - Data bank established - Budget allocation tracking system and information system developed - County government allocation to support farmers initiatives enhanced - Capacity of leaders to convene, collaborate and lead Multi stakeholders process enhanced - FO's leaders represented in county budgetary allocation commitee Output - Volume of County budget allocated to agriculture due to lobby efforts (FACT approach) is expected to 1 million Euro / district ( to the benefit of members and non-members) Enhanced farmers’ participation in the new devolved governance structure in Kenya for improved budgetary allocation to agricultural development