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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 701 - 705 of 2117

Integrated S-NFI, CCCM, and Protection responses for vulnerable and underserved populations in Wau


7.5 million people in South Sudan need humanitarian assistance (South Sudan 2020 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP)). The Shelter and Non-food items (S-NFI) Cluster estimates 2.3 million people have limited or no access to adequate shelter and non-food items in 2020. Lack of S-NFI supplies exposes affected communities, particularly internally displaced persons (IDPs), to health and protection risks. Women and children are predominantly exposed to gender-based violence (GBV) risks, especially when travelling long distances to meet household S-NFI needs. At least 4.5 million of those in need of humanitarian assistance require protection assistance. The formation of the Government of National Unity in February 2020 may lead to an increase in returns, which could escalate housing, land and property (HLP) issues as returnees find their land/properties claimed by others, amplifying challenges of security of land tenure, and leading to an upsurge in the need for legal aid services for arbitration of claims. Returns may also lead to an increase in persons forced to settle on undesirable, difficult-to-access and marginal land, creating protection risks, and fragmenting information flow. According to the Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) 2020, an estimated 1.6 million people will need Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) services. Of these, 1.07 million IDPs will be in spontaneous settlements and camp-like settlements relying on humanitarian assistance. IOM CCCM will conduct mobile camp management services in camp-like settings in hard-to-reach areas, establishing CCCM coordination structures with service providers and relevant community structures, including rehabilitation of community centres undertaking community mobilization and engagement for information dissemination on the use and purpose of complaints feedback mechanisms (CFM) and supporting community-led site maintenance activities. Oxfam will lead in development of protection analysis that will inform the CCCM response on engagement with community structures. IOM and Oxfam propose a multi-sectoral approach encompassing CCCM, S-NFIs and Protection, enabling provision of holistic support to vulnerable communities in Wau County, Western Bahr el Ghazal. IOM seeks to continue the provision of life-saving and life-sustaining S-NFI services to individuals in prioritized communities in Wau County. Key activities will include: 1) The provision of crucial S-NFI material assistance to 26,000 individuals through in-kind and cash-based intervention modalities S-NFI frontline teams based in Wau will be deployed to provide humanitarian assistance and 2) Coordination, information management, and partner support services, provided through S-NFI Cluster leadership with two IOM staff acting as S-NFI Cluster State Focal Points (SFPs). Oxfam will work with IOM to engage communities on selection criteria and identification of PSN to be assisted by the NFI response. During distribution, Oxfam will support with the identification of persons with special needs (PSNs). Individual beneficiaries in need for cash-based protection assistance will be assisted jointly by Oxfam and IOM S-NFI. Together the partners will identify protection risks to be considered by site management committees and support development of risk mitigation measures. The project will ensure all activities prioritize the unique and specialized needs of vulnerable groups. IOM and Oxfam have established CFM and accountability to affected populations (AAP) tools to advance equitable and accessible service delivery, whilst ensuring GBV and HLP protection services are made available to beneficiaries. The project will ensure the inclusion and participation of women, persons with disabilities, youth, and other vulnerable groups during implementation and monitoring, and will provide critical life-saving solutions, whilst strengthening and reinforcing community-based structures, and building the resilience of targeted communities.

Enhanced livelihoods and food security for conflict affected populations of Hodeidah, Lahj and Taiz governora


The proposed project will increase target households’ ability to meet basic food needs through improved income from agriculture and fishery activities. The action will target vulnerable food insecure agricultural and fishery-dependent families who are at risk of becoming acute food insecure in Hudaydah, Lahj, and Taizz governorates. To enable them meet basic food needs and improve their livelihoods beneficiaries will be provided with agricultural inputs for vegetables and staples crops production, fishing gear and accessories, and complementary training. Additionally, the households will receive Unconditional Cash Grants (UCG) of $50 for three (3) months to enable them to meet basic food needs and other production costs e.g. tillage and hiring of labor. The proposed action is in line with FSAC strategic response plan objective [SO1]. The proposed activities are in line with FSAC's first-line response priority activities namely Distributing agricultural and fishery kits to severely food insecure rural households in IPC 3, 4 and 5 areas. The project will benefit 7,100 households comprising 49,700 men, women, boys and girls. 6,600 HH in Lahj and Taizz governorates will be provided with seeds and agricultural tools. The seeds provided include barley, wheat, beans, onion, mallow, lettuce, okra, and pepper. The beneficiaries will also be trained in appropriate agronomic practices. 500HH in Al Tohyytah district in Hodeidah governorate will be provided with fishing kits and complementary training in fish handling, preservation, and marketing.5,600 HH will receive Cash+staple cereal seeds in Al Maqaterah district of Lahj (1,100HH), Al Mwaset of Taiz (2,250HH) and Jabal Habshy district of Lahj (2,250HH). ). 500 HH will receive cash+ fishing kits in Al Tuhaytta district of Hodeida governorate. 1000HH will receive cash+ vegetable seeds in Jabal Habshy district (500HH) and AL Mwaset district (500HH) of Taizz governorate. NRC will use a voucher modality to distribute the seeds, tools and fishery kits. In Lahj and Taiz, NRC will use electronic vouchers through Red Rose platform which has been piloted under an on-going project. In Hudaydah, paper vouchers will be used. Nevertheless, a market assessment will be carried out in all target locations to inform on the best modality to apply. The UCG will disbursed through NRC’s currently contracted financial service providers (FSP). NRC has extensive experience in the use of e-vouchers, paper vouchers as well as direct cash disbursement through the FSP. NRC acknowledges risks associated with this action which could include diversion of assistance provided. To mitigate this, NRC will sensitize the beneficiaries to ensure that the assistance is utilized for the intended purposes. Provision of UCGs will ensure that beneficiaries have cash to meet basic food needs and thus reduced temptation to sell the provided agricultural/fishing inputs. Risks associated with violation of land tenure agreements will be addressed through sharing of information on land property rights and dispute resolution. Risks associated with use of inappropriate agronomic practices that can compromise production will be mitigated through provision of training and technical backstopping in collaboration with relevant line ministries. Security risks in project locations will be mitigated through securing de-confliction in conflict active areas. Delayed authorization for field travels will be mitigated through enhanced advocacy/sensitization of respective local authorities. Beneficiary selection will be conducted through a community participatory process involving established community committees and following the set FSAC vulnerability criteria. Deliberate effort will be applied to ensure that the committees constitute of at least 40% female representation

Agriculture/Food Production Grant


Centro de Capacitao Zumbi dos Palmares (CCZP) will help beekeepers resettled in the semiarid region of Alagoas pursuant to Brazil's program of land reform transform subsistence honey production into a viable source of income by developing a processing facility and marketing strategies. The project will benefit 120 rural families directly and another 1,500 area residents indirectly.

Points of Light: strengthening the entrepreneur ial community initiatives


A Casa Verde Cultura e Meio Ambiente (Casa Verde) will work with indigenous, quilombola communities, and small farmers resettled by Brazil's program of land reform, to improve their productive capacities, reinforce their traditional practices, and conserve biodiversity in the states of Gois, Mato Grosso, and Mato Grosso do Sul. This project will directly benefit 1,000 families and indirectly another 3,500 families.

Legal Assistance Grant


Instituto Brasil Central (IBRACE) will train farmers, residents of quilombola and indigenous Brazilians resettled as a result of land reform in the northeastern region of the state of Gois to contribute to the discussion of public policies on rural development, conservation and social services, and to monitor the programs derived from the policies. One hundred individuals should benefit directly and 80,000 indirectly.