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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 546 - 550 of 2117

Saving Key Habitat For Migratory Landbir


The Gran Chaco Americano is a vast, relatively flat, wooded region occupying south-eastern Bolivia, western ..Paraguay and northern Argentina. In Paraguay, it covers the lands west of the Paraguay River and is characterized tropical savannas, dense thorn-scrub forest and more open vegetation in areas with sand dunes. Due to increased ..deforestation rates in the past decade, the Paraguayan Chaco is undergoing a rapid change, with the remaining ..forest patches being so small that they are essentially islands in an entirely man-made landscape. Lack of a regional regarding land use management and land protection is one of the main problems to get to a sustainable ..balance of the use of the Chaco. Many Neotropical Migrants depend on the Paraguayan Chaco during migration and ..overwintering including 14 species of Neotropical Migratory Landbirds that depend on the forests in the Chaco and ..of which several are in steep decline. Rapid action is required as a recent analysis of economic drivers indicated a ..realistic possibility that all suitable land will have been transformed for cattle production by 2025. Guyra Paraguay ..will advance long-term conservation of Neotropical Migratory Landbirds in the Paraguayan Chaco through targeted ..habitat management and protection, support for more effective land-use planning, and public outreach. To achieve ..this, Guyra Paraguay aims to: 1) improve management and effective protection of Neotropical Migratory landbird ..habitat in six protected areas in the Paraguayan Chaco; 2) assess and evaluate the impact of land use change in ..the Paraguayan Chaco on Neotropical migratory landbird species through, monitoring, data compilation and ..analysis; 3) stimulate sustainable land use and strategic land planning by working with local stakeholders ..(authorities, ranchers, land owners) and, 4) raise awareness and built support for the conservation of the ..Paraguayan Chaco and its migratory species.

Integral community development with a focus on gender in 20 communities of Matagalpa


Centro Especializado de Atencin a la Mujer (CEAMUJER) will provide leadership training investment capital technical assistance and legal services in 20 rural communities in the department of Matagalpa to increase the resident's income generating capacity promote land titling encourage gender equality and reduce domestic violence. The project will reach approximately 1200 men and women directly and another 4800 indirectly.

Integral community development with a focus on gender in 20 communities of Matagalpa


Centro Especializado de Atencin a la Mujer (CEAMUJER) will provide leadership training, investment capital, technical assistance and legal services in 20 rural communities in the department of Matagalpa to increase the resident's income generating capacity, promote land titling, encourage gender equality and reduce domestic violence. The project will reach approximately 1,200 men and women directly and another 4,800 indirectly.

Strengthening family beekeeping in the backlands of Alagoas


Centro de Capacitao Zumbi dos Palmares (CCZP) will help beekeepers resettled in the semiarid region of Alagoas pursuant to Brazil's program of land reform transform subsistence honey production into a viable source of income by developing a processing facility and marketing strategies. The project will benefit 120 rural families directly and another 1500 area residents indirectly...

Agriculture/Food Production Grant


Associao dos Remanescentes do Quilombo de Pombal (ARQP) will work with 160 Afro-Brazilian farmers resettled through Brazil's program of land reform in So Tiago in the municipality of Santa Rita do Novo Destino, state of Gois, to develop the association's fund for equipment to improve production, and to launch a cooperative that buys the community's produce to sell in volume.