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Community Organizations Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation
Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation
Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation
Governmental institution


Working languages

The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) is a directorate under the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA).

Norad's strategy towards 2010 states that Norad:

  • aims to be the centre of expertise for evaluation, quality assurance and dissemination of the results of Norwegian development cooperation, jointly with partners in Norway, developing countries and the international community
  • will ensure that the goals of Norway's development policy are achieved by providing advice and support to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Norwegian foreign service missions
  • will administer the agency's grant schemes so that development assistance provided through Norwegian and international partners contributes effectively to poverty reduction

These goals will be achieved on the foundation of Norad's current competencies, through highly qualified staff, a flexible and practical organisation, good administrative support functions and a working environment characterised by transparency, respect, equality, responsibility and quality.



Displaying 6 - 10 of 44

RECLAIM Sustainability! Sierra Leone - Cocoa


This project aims to to engage CSOs in inclusive dialogues to develop and submit recommendations by 2025 on land rights, forest governance, living wages and child labour to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the Ministry of Youth Affairs, the Ministry of Gender and Children Affairs and the Produce Monitoring Board of the Ministry of Trade and Industry.

Sustainable Landscape Innovation Programme - Kilimanjaro Trans-boundary


In the Kilimanjaro landscape, Tanzania, we aimed to restore landscape ecosystem services and improve productivity for economic activities, especially in agroforestry, bananas, coffee, land use planning, livestock, and rangelands restoration. We brought public, private, and community stakeholders together at three levels (regional/national, district, and village level) to discuss matters on sustainable landscapes ranging from policy reform, ecosystem services, civil society organisation governance, and sustainable landscape management solutions. The three-tiered MSP model paved the way for inclusive engagement of local stakeholders in decision making through the village-level meetings, often held in the communities’ local languages and hosted in a way such that everyone could contribute. The district level meetings brought together subject matter specialists (for example on agriculture, forestry, and livestock) to provide technical expertise on identifying barriers and developing practical solutions to the issues raised at the village MSPs. The district MSPs were critical in shaping the national and regional policy dialogues that focused on issues related to the conservation of landscapes - addressing both upstream and downstream issues in a connected manner. By connecting the dialogue spaces from different angles, the diversity of perspectives have been captured and contribute to a shared understanding of the current situation of land degradation and the corrective measures needed. Some of the land use planning practices which were identified as detrimental to the landscape included overgrazing, degradation of forest (for example the buffer zone of the National Parks), and soil erosion as a result of poor farm practices and burning of forests to clear the land for cultivation. By understanding the needs of the local actors involved – from pastoralists, farmers, wildlife management personnel, and land use planning actors – priority interventions were identified. As a result, pilots were set up such as implementation of village land use planning and community based forest restoration initiatives, and implemented with key actors. The results of these experiences were shared and discussed during the MSP to enable uptake and scaling through national actors, such as the National Land Use Planning Commission. The Sustainable Landscape and Innovation (SLI) project conducted a series of capacity building training sessions for project partners, CSOs, village leaders, and stakeholders. The established MSPs at village, district and national level, served as a forum for capacity enhancement, information sharing, and project performance monitoring. The MSPs also served as a mechanism to advocate for improved implementation of national policies, such as the Village Land Act No. 5 of 1999, Wildlife Conservation (Wildlife Management Areas) Regulation of 2012, and Guidelines for Designation and Management of Wildlife Management Areas of 2002. Other policies include the Wildlife Conservation Act of 2009, and the Village Land Use Plans (VLUPs) for selected villages. The project partnered with Enriching Skills Action Research Tanzania (ESAT) to support local CSOs and producer organisations to develop gender policies and enhance inclusivity at all levels, for instance by ensuring that participation in training and meetings is open and inclusive. Furthermore, women groups have been formed to spearhead socio-economic activities within villages. Women were supported to apply for elective positions within the CSOs and farmer groups - some of them succeeded and were elected to be local leaders (e.g. Vice Chairperson of the LEO Livestock Cooperative Society). We participated in various regional and international dialogue forums between 2016-2020 (Global Landscapes Dialogue and African Landscapes Dialogue, African Landscapes Dialogue). We also managed to strengthen relationships with high-level government authorities. Solidaridad supported the implementation of the Land Use Planning Act, No. 6 of 2007, and the SLI project team was invited to participate in a parliamentary session to review plans and budgets with the Ministry of Lands, Housing, and Settlement Development. Several sustainable landscape and diversification solutions were piloted to enable local communities within Mount Kilimanjaro to acquire practical skills and knowledge on activities to improve and diversify livelihoods, and restore ecosystem services.

RECLAIM Sustainability! Ghana - Palm Oil


This project aims to contribute to smallholder inclusive sustainable Palm Oil production and trade, in which workers in plantations and mills work under Decent working conditions, forests and land rights are equally protected, and smallholders are rewarded for the investments made to produce under sustainable conditions.