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Biblioteca Climate Change Act 2017.

Climate Change Act 2017.

Climate Change Act 2017.

Resource information

Date of publication
Febrero 2017
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The purpose of this Act, consisting of 102 sections divided into 11 Parts and completed by one Schedule, is to repeal and re-enact with amendments the Climate Change Act 2010: a) to set a long-term greenhouse gas emissions reduction target; b) to provide for the setting of 5-yearly interim greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets in order to reach the long-term greenhouse gas emissions reduction target; c) to facilitate the consideration of climate change issues in specified areas of decision making of the Government of Victoria; d) to set policy objectives and guiding principles to inform decision-making under this Act and the development of government policy in the State; e) to provide for a strategic response to climate change through a climate change strategy, adaptation action plans and emissions reduction pledges; f) to provide for greater clarity and accountability through information collection and reporting; g) to facilitate the State's contribution to national and international carbon sequestration efforts; h) to provide for the creation of forestry rights, carbon sequestration rights and soil carbon rights; and (i) to provide for Forestry and Carbon Management Agreements in relation to private land and Carbon Sequestration Agreements in relation to Crown land; j) to implement changes arising from a statutory review of the Climate Change Act 2010; and k) to make a consequential amendment to the Environment Protection Act 1970.

Amends: Environment Protection Act 1970 (No. 8056). (2017-12-19)
Repeals: Climate Change Act 2010. (2013-02-19)

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