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Biblioteca Land Title Act.

Land Title Act.

Land Title Act.
An Act to consolidate and reform the law about the registration of land and interests in land and for related purposes.

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This Act consolidates and reforms the law about the registration of land and interests in land. It consists of 220 sections and is divided into 14 Parts and completed by two Schedules. Under Part 2, the Registrar-General is required to keep a land register and has the power to hold inquiries and to demand fees. Part 3 is dedicated to the operation of the land registrar, Part 4 to the registration of lands, Part 5 to joint holders and Part 6 to transfer, leases, mortgages, easements and trusts. Part 7 covers other dealings in land titles, Part 8 instruments and Part 9 the registration of instruments and its effects.

Implemented by: Land Title Regulations (SL No. 55, 2000). (2015-12-23)
Repeals: Real Property Regulations. (2014-12-08)

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