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Biblioteca National Indian Forest Resources Management Act (PL. 101-630).

National Indian Forest Resources Management Act (PL. 101-630).

National Indian Forest Resources Management Act (PL. 101-630).

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This Act authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to participate in forest land management activities on Indian forest lands either directly or through contracts, cooperative agreements or grants under the Indian Self-Determination Act. The objectives of such activities include maintaining these lands in a perpetually productive state, regulating these lands through forest management plans developed and implemented with the full participation of the appropriate Indian tribe, and retaining land in its natural state when an Indian tribe determines that this represents the highest and best use of the land. The Secretary is required to comply with tribal laws regulating the environment or historic or cultural preservation and to cooperate with the enforcement of such laws on Indian forest lands. The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to use deductions to cover management and protection costs from the proceeds of sale of Indian forest products on the reservation from which they are derived. These deductions may be used solely in forest land management activities. The Act also increases the number of professional Indian foresters and related staff in forestry programmes on Indian forest land and provides education assistance for such foresters. The Secretary is required to establish a technical assistance programme to promote sustained yield management of forest resources for Alaska Native corporations. Regulations are required to be promulgated within 18 months establishing civil penalties for the commission of forest trespass and enforcement procedures. Regulations are required within one year to provide payment of the receipts from the sale of Indian forest products directly to the Indian tribe.The Act authorizes appropriations necessary to implement this Act.

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