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La presente Ley Foral, que consta de 7 títulos, 130 artículos, 4 disposiciones adicionales, 3 transitorias, 1 derogatoria y 2 finales, regula la actuación de la Comunidad Foral de Navarra en la reforma de las infraestructuras agrícolas, que se llevará a cabo principalmente a través de la…


This Decree amends Decree No. 1254 establishing compensation to former landowners. It consists of 9 articles specifying the compensations for: touristic areas, agricultural, occupied and non-occupied lands. The amendments concern: the procedure for issuing compensations, the required documents,…


La presente Ley tiene por objeto adoptar con carácter urgente y transitorio disposiciones en materia de régimen de suelo y ordenación urbana, con la finalidad de completar el régimen urbanístico de la propiedad del suelo establecida en la legislación estatal y regular la actividad administrativa…


The Law lays down the criteria and the rules of procedure required for granting ownership without compensation of agricultural land of former agricultural enterprises to beneficiaries specified by Law No. 8053. It establishes 30 June 2016 as the deadline for terminating all transfer procedures…


"Development" is described in subsection 30.2 as the carrying out of building, engineering, mining or other operations for construction, demolition or alterations in, on, over, or under any land or the making of any material change of use of land or building excluding, inter alia, the…


These Regulations establish the powers of the Service for the protection of waterways, waste treatment, land reclamation and the prevention of the pollution of nature, and the Service for air and noise pollution, and for high-risk industry, at the Ministry of the Environment. Their powers…


This Regulation provides all necessary standards and requirements aimed to define the contents and management rules of the Croatian cadastre of electricity lines and cables.This cadastre further contains the types of lines and associated facilities already part of the state cadastre, and…


This Law lays down several amendments to articles 9, 10, 19, 21, 38, 45 and 53 of Law No. 8405 of 1998 on urban planning. The amendments deal with tasks and duties of the Territory Regulation Council (TRC) of the Tirana Municipality. According to these new provisions, the TRC is now composed of…


This Law lays down several amendments to Law No. 8405 of 1998 on urban planning. In particular, it amends articles 17, 22 (14), 22 (1), 28, 54, 59, 75, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83 and 84. The amendments deal with (i) tasks and responsibilities of urban planning units within the district councils and…


La presente Ley tiene por objeto regular los aspectos referidos a la clasificación y calificación de suelo como elemento fundamental del urbanismo.
Revocado por: Ley Nº 2/2006 - Ley de Suelo y Urbanismo. (2006-06-30)


This Regulation 672 of 2015 amends article 45 “Transitory Provisions’ of Regulation 408 of 2015. According to the amendment, until the General Local Development Plan is approved, the applications for construction permits will be reviewed by local authorities to the extent that the proposed…


Son varios los motivos que condujeron a la promulgación de esta Ley. Primero: dar aplicación al principio de la función social de la propiedad que sanciona la Constitución y que no se cumple en ciertas sierras de regadío. Segundo, existe una baja producción en estas sierras en relación con sus…