According to the concept of ecosystem services, agriculture not only provides commoditiesbut also cultural and regulating services. While it is easy to value commodity production bymarket prices, the valuation of cultural and regulating services is complex because of theirpublic good character.…
Le développement rural et la sécurité alimentaire mondiale sont parmi les principales préoccupations de la politique allemande du développement. L’Allemagne est un des moteurs de l’Initiative de L’Aquila sur la sécurité alimentaire
lancée lors du sommet du G8 de 2009. La nouvelle stratégie…
In 2005 nam Alterra het initiatief tot een geïntegreerd Europees onderzoek naar stadsranden, PLUREL. Dit project onderzocht stadsrandgebieden van zes Europese regio's en een regio in China. Voor de Europese regio's zijn de strategieën en ruimtelijke planningen bekeken. Het gaat om de…
To assess the impact of climate change on agriculture in German districts, a Ricardian analysis accounting for spatial autocorrelation is used. The analysis relies on land rental prices from agricultural statistics and climate data from the network of German weather observation stations. The…
The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is influenced by land use and management. Here, the carbon (CO₂-C) budgets of a managed forest (spruce), a grass site and a crop site (crop rotation) have been compared to examine the effects of different management practices on net ecosystem…
Several TerraSAR-X satellite images acquired in high resolution spotlight mode with different polarisations for two study sites in southern Germany were used to distinguish forest from other land cover classes (agriculture, built-up, water bodies) using logistic regression models. In general, we…
Wat kan Dienst Landelijk Gebied leren van de praktische ervaringen en strategische positioneringen van Europese vakgenoten met het oog op planvorming voor gebiedsontwikkeling? Deze vraag heeft DLG aan Alterra voorgelegd. Daartoe is literatuur doorzocht en er zijn gesprekken gevoerd met een…
This comparative study of landscape planning, within three case-studies in England, Germany and the Netherlands, has the proposed outcomes to create a mutually understood model for ‘landscape planning’, a catalogue of key concepts on space, landscape and planning and a proposal for further…
This report examines the role of European Union (EU) member States, both collectively and individually, in the current reported wave of foreign land investment in Africa that has led to the current use of the term ‘land grabbing’.It discusses whether this role is consistent with the EU’s…
A quarterly news bulletin dedicated to the exchange of information relating to wildlife and national resources management for the Asia-Pacific region.