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In respect to Wales, these Regulations provide in relation to those further areas designated as nitrate vulnerable zones by virtue of the Protection of Water Against Agricultural Nitrate Pollution (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2002 that the date for the multiplier of 210 kg set down in…


These Rules provide general rules for the Registry of Deeds as provided for by section 33 of the Act the Registration of Deeds and Title Act 2006. The Register shall consist of information required by the Act and these Rules to be maintained in respect of each deed registered under the Act. The…


Ce décret porte la réglementation relative à l’assainissement du sol. Le texte est formé par 53 articles répartis en 11 chapitres comme suit: Dispositions générales (I); Identification des terrains pollués, registre des terrains pollués; Restrictions de l'usage et mesures de précaution,…


This Regional Law establishes plenary powers and jurisdictional competence of state bodies and local government in the sphere of land relations. Regional Government shall be responsible for management of public land plots and also of land plots with undelimited ownership, expropriation of land…


Article 2 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Regional Government shall be responsible for decision-making related to expropriation of land for public needs”.
Amends: Regional Law No. 2693-ZPO “On regulation of land relations”. (2015-03-04)


This Order prescribes the fees to be taken in the Land Registry for the purposes of the Land Registration Act (Northern Ireland) 1970 and the manner in which those fees are to be paid. The principal changes in respect of the repealed 2010 Regulations concern: ad-valorem fees for leases,…


Article 2 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Regional Legislative Assembly shall establish case of allotment of plots of public land with undelimited ownership to some categories of citizens in private ownership free of charge”.
Amends: Regional Law No. 49-OZ “On delimitation…


This Act contains a wide range of measures to devolve more powers to councils and neighbourhoods and give local communities greater control over local decisions like housing and planning. It also concerns a wide variety of matters affecting the environment.
Implemented by: Localism Act…


This Decree establishes requirements for ensuring radiation safety during performance of work in areas of radioactive pollution. Performance of work shall be authorized in the presence of sanitary certificate, issued by competent public sanitary body, authorizing performance of work with the…


This Ministerial Decree establishes that Federal Service of State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography shall be the authorized federal executive body carrying out functions of state registration of rights to immovable property and transactions therewith, land valuation, land survey, land…


La presente Resolución regula el Registro de titularidad compartida de explotaciones agrarias, adscrito a la Dirección General de Desarrollo Sostenible del Medio Rural del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, y Medio Rural y Marino, en el que se anotará toda la información concerniente a las…


The Order sets out requirement standards for good agricultural and environmental conditions in order for farmers to comply with regulations on granted subsidy for land development, in accordance to the Rural Development Programme for the period 2007-2013. Uncultivated land must be kept with…