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The present Ordinance implements, amongst others, the Federal Spatial Information Act of 5 October 2007. The text consists of 48 articles divided into 8 Parts as follows: General provisions (A); Demarcation (B); Assessment and renewal (C); Traceability (D); Maintenance of official survey (E);…


The present Law introduces some amendments to the Land Transaction Law (LGBl. No. 42/2004). In particular, the Law amends, inter alia, article 9 concerning measures for flood protection; and article 27 establishing that the legal transaction becomes retroactively ineffective, if consent is…


La présente ordonnance met en exécution l’ordonnance du 21 mai 2008 sur la géoinformation (OGéo) et l’ordonnance du 21 mai 2008 sur la mensuration nationale. Notamment, l’ordonnance concerne régit les tarifs des émoluments applicables aux prestations officielles de l’Office fédéral de…


La presente Ley del Suelo de la Comunidad de Madrid, tiene por objeto la ordenación urbanística del suelo en la Comunidad de Madrid. La ordenación urbanística regula la utilización del suelo; los procesos de transformación de éste mediante la urbanización, la edificación y la construcción en…


These Regulations amend the Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) Order 1995. They specify what needs to be included in applications for outline planning permission in relation to “reserved matters” (as redefined by these Regulations and including landscaping and access).The…


The purpose of Land Legislation of the RSFSR is to regulate land relations with the object of providing for the rational use and protection of land, setting up conditions for equal development of various forms of economic activity on land, re-production of soil fertility, conservation and…


This Order amends the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992 in Part 25A of Schedule 1, which grants planning permission in respect of certain development which is necessary for the purposes of housing poultry and other captive birds to protect them from…


The present Act introduces some substantial amendments to the Tiroler Raumordnungsgesetz 2001 (LGBl. Nr. 9372001). It rewords, inter alia, article 8 on land use planning for commercial centres; article 9 concerning proceedings for the issue of land use planning programmes; article 18 laying down…


Ce décret modifie le décret nº 55-1350 du 14 octobre 1955 modifié pris pour l'application du décret nº 55-22 du 4 janvier 1955 portant réforme de la publicité foncière, et notamment les dispositions relatives à la mention de la clause prévoyant que le créancier hypothécaire impayé deviendra…


The purpose of the present Act is the economic and expedient use of the soil; the protection and care of the environment and , in particular the conservation or reinstatement of the sustainable purity of the air, water and soil, as well as the avoidance of noise; the conservation or…


The Act consists of 95 sections divided into 8 Parts. In Chpater I of Part I the various types of agricultural tenancy are defined. Chapter 2 contains general provision as to new types of tenancy. Part 2 provides for the tenant's right to buy land. Part III concerns diversification of use…


This Regional Law establishes that starting from 1 March 2015 terms and conditions for location of infrastructure on plots of public land pertaining to regional and municipal ownership without allotment of plots of land and without application of servitude shall be set forth by the Regional…