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This Regional Law establishes the modalities of granting preferential terms of payment for lease of public land, that can be granted to some categories of leaseholders in accordance with regional laws and by Governor’s Decrees exclusively within the period of current financial year.


The Order amends article 3 with regard to the submission of Common Table in 2013 which may occur no later than 25 April 2013.
Amends: Order No. 28 on electronic Common Table and field maps. (2012-01-18)


The Order amends article 4 by replacing 'water plan' to 'regional planning guidelines which in 1 January 2007 legally become national plan," with reference to the regional guidelines.
Amends: Order No. 892 on buffer zones (ecotones). (2012-08-29)


This Regional Law establishes that maximum land area that can be owned or held in tenancy by subsistence farmers shall be 19 ha.


The territorial competence of land offices proceeding as real estate authority is set out in Annex 1 to this Decree.
Implements: Act CXLI of 1997 on Real Estate Registration. (2014-12-23)
Implements: Act LXXVIII of 1997 on the Development and Protection of the Built Environment. (…

<strong>European Coordination Via Campesina and Hands Off the Land Network</strong>
The report, involving 25 authors from 11 countries, reveals the hidden scandal of how a few big private business entities have gained control of ever-greater areas of European land. It exposes…


This Regional Law establishes that land plots for individual housing and suburban construction shall be allotted to citizens in ownership with or without competitive tendering. Citizens that have no right to be allotted land plots without competitive tendering must purchase them exclusively…


This Regional Law determines the modalities of establishment of minimum land plots subject to state cadastre registration that shall be established in accordance with land-use planning regulations. Minimum land areas subject to cadastre registration shall be established as follows: (a) for…


These Regulations designate a coastal area as a Special Protection Area in accordance with Article 4 of Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Conservation of Wild Birds. The purpose is to ensure protection from disturbance, capture and damage to nests and…


These Regulations designate a coastal area as a Special Protection Area in accordance with Article 4 of Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Conservation of Wild Birds. The purpose is to ensure protection from disturbance, capture and damage to nests and…


La presente Ley modifica el Texto Refundido de las Leyes de Ordenación del Territorio de Canarias y de Espacios Naturales de Canarias, en aspectos relacionados con el régimen jurídico a aplicar a las instalaciones, construcciones y edificaciones, así como a los usos ya existentes.


This Order provides for the delegation of powers (other than the power to prosecute an offence) and duties of Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Gaeltacht conferred on him or her by or under various Acts and Regulations listed in the Schedule to this Order to the Minister of State at the…