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GRI Index FY12

Noviembre, 2015

The response to the global reporting
initiative (GRI) indicators provides a brief introduction to
the World Bank’s (WB’s) complex suite of activities. The WB
consists of the International Bank of Reconstruction and
Development (IBRD) and the International Development
Association (IDA). Materiality is determined through an
assessment carried out based on GRI guidance. The assessment
evaluates the risks to the organization, the importance to

GRI Index FY11

Noviembre, 2015

The response to the global reporting
initiative (GRI) indicators provides a brief introduction to
the World Bank’s (WB’s) complex suite of activities. The WB
consists of the International Bank of Reconstruction and
Development (IBRD) and the International Development
Association (IDA). Materiality is determined through an
assessment carried out based on GRI guidance. The assessment
evaluates the risks to the organization, the importance to

GRI Index FY09

Noviembre, 2015

The response to the GRI Indicators
presents a glimpse into the World Banks (also known as the
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development or
IBRD in the capital market) complex suite of activities.
Topics that are of interest to sustainable investment
communities, NGOs, and country clients determine materiality
for the purposes of this report. Reporting priorities are
determined annually based on the corporate priorities of the

GRI Index FY08

Noviembre, 2015

The response to the GRI Indicators
presents a glimpse into the World Banks (also known as the
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development or
IBRD in the capital market) complex suite of activities.
Topics that are of interest to sustainable investment
communities, NGOs, and country clients determine materiality
for the purposes of this report. Reporting priorities are
determined annually based on the corporate priorities of the

Politics of indigeneity : land restitution in Burundi

Policy Papers & Briefs
Octubre, 2015
Sub-Saharan Africa

The validity of a title deed, or whether a property owner purchased in good faith, has recently been questioned and rejected by the land commission, a body under the auspices of the office of the presidency. In 2015 for over two weeks, both residents ‘abasangwa’ and repatriates ‘abahungutse’, stood together to oppose the Burundi land commission: the Commission Nationale Terres et autres Biens (CNTB, National Commission of land and other Assets), who are revisiting land restitution cases it had previously settled.

Financing for Development

Octubre, 2015

The development community is
increasingly accepting the importance of evidence, feedback,
and learning. Some of which is generated through research,
monitoring, and self-evaluation during policy-making,
program design, and implementation. Others come from
feedback from people directly affected by interventions who
have gained a greater voice, be it through third-party
feedback mechanisms, social media, beneficiary surveys, or

2015 GRI Index

Octubre, 2015

This 2015 index of sustainability
indicators has been prepared in accordance with the
internationally recognized standard for sustainability
reporting Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines and
complies with the ‘core option.’ The GRI Index provides an
overview of sustainability considerations within the World
Bank’s lending and analytical services as well as its
day-to-day operations and management of staff. The World

The World Bank in Nigeria, 1998-2007

Octubre, 2015

This country assistance evaluation
assesses the outcomes of the World Banks program in Nigeria
during the period 1998–2007. The Country Assistance
Evaluation focuses on the objectives of that assistance and
the extent to which outcomes were consistent with those
objectives. It looks at the Banks contribution to the
achievement of those outcomes and at the lessons for the
Banks future activities in Nigeria and in other countries.

Zambia National Resettlement Policy

National Policies
Septiembre, 2015

Government has been implementing the Land Resettlement Programme for over twenty four (24) years, focusing mainly on land resettlement for agricultural purposes without a comprehensive policy and legal framework. This has caused a number of challenges including lack of a coordination mechanism at higher level of Government in the implementation of the land resettlement programme, land disputes and low levels of infrastructure development and service provision in the resettlement schemes.

Linking Women with Agribusiness in Zambia

Septiembre, 2015

Three of sub-Saharan Africa’s central
economic realities motivate this study. First, agriculture
is the most important sector in most African economies, on
average accounting for nearly one-fourth of GDP. Second, the
private sector is increasingly active in transforming
African agriculture and economies. By 2030, agriculture and
agribusiness are anticipated to become a US$ 1 trillion
industry in Africa, delivering more jobs, income, and

Recasting Culture to Undo Gender

Septiembre, 2015

This paper brings together sociological
theories of culture and gender to answer the question – how
do large-scale development interventions induce cultural
change? Through three years of ethnographic work in rural
Bihar, the authors examine this question in the context of
Jeevika, a World Bank-assisted poverty alleviation project
targeted at women, and find support for an integrative view
of culture. The paper argues that Jeevika created new

Impact of Property Rights Reform to Support China’s Rural-Urban Integration

Policy Papers & Briefs
Agosto, 2015
Asia oriental

As part of a national experiment in 2008, Chengdu prefecture implemented ambitious property rights reforms, including complete registration of all land together with measures to ease transferability and eliminate migration restrictions. A triple difference approach using the Statistics Bureau’s regular household panel suggests that the reforms increased consumption and income, especially for less wealthy and less educated households, with estimated benefits well above the cost of implementation.