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REDD-Net Asia-Pacific Bulletin #1: Introducing Equity in REDD

Institutional & promotional materials
Septiembre, 2009
South-Eastern Asia

This bulletin draws on country-level experience to share civil society perspectives on the challenges, opportunities, and possible approaches for pro-poor REDD. As governments begin to formulate their national REDD programs, questions are emerging about the role of local people in design and implementation, and the socio-economic implications for the rural poor. Drawing on experiences from Nepal and Vietnam, this bulletin includes:

Women and land after conflict in Rwanda

Journal Articles & Books
Septiembre, 2009

Female-headed households often experience inequalities in access to resources and income-generating opportunities. Conflicts may make women poorer. But it is important to realise that conflicts also offer an opportunity for change in which gender stereotypes shift and gender roles and identities can be renegotiated. Did genocide and civil war in Rwanda lead to new opportunities for rural women?

Estudo de base sobre os direitos da mulher à terra nas províncias de Maputo, Zambézia e Nampula

Reports & Research
Junio, 2009

O presente estudo que tem como objectivo colher informação sobre o estágio actual do direito da mulher à terra em Moçambique tendo como base quatro áreas principais: sensibilização e conhecimentos sobre o direito da mulher à terra, mobilização do apoio político para o direito da mulher ao uso e controlo da terra, controlo da mulher sobre a terra e apoio para prática de uma agricultura sustentável.

Framework and Guidelines for Land Policy in Africa (F&G).

National Policies
Junio, 2009

The Framework and Guidelines on Land Policy (F&G) in Africa is the result of a three-year road map of activities that involved intense reflection, rigorous consultations and exemplary collaboration across the continent. These activities involved African continental and regional institutions, governments, prominent African land experts from all regions of the continent, and representatives of land stakeholders and development partners.

Land Sector Framework 2009-2018 - "A prosperous, equitable & sustainable Land sector for Vanuatu".

National Policies
Junio, 2009

This Land Sector Framework (LSF) provides the foundation for a strategic plan to implement land sector reforms in Vanuatu. It is intended to guide government, the private sector and civil society in the use and management of Vanuatu’s land resources. The LSF is based on a Vision and a set of strategic objectives. It outlines implementation priorities for a LSF policy and activity agenda over a ten year period and builds upon the 2006 National Land Summit (NLS) resolutions and recent donor initiatives in the sector.

Declaration on Land Issues and Challenges in Africa.

Junio, 2009

The Heads of States and Government of the African Union, met at the 13th Ordinary Session in Sirte, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, from 1 to 3 July 2009 reaffirming the commitments made to poverty eradication with the view to raising the living standards of peoples and the wellbeing of future generations. They undertake to: 1. prioritise, initiate and lead land policy development and implementation processes in the countries, notwithstanding the extent of multi-stakeholder contribution to such processes involving also civil society and private sector; 2.

Children and women’s rights to property and inheritance in Mozambique: Elements for an effective intervention strategy

Reports & Research
Junio, 2009

Covers traditional cultural norms and values, including property and inheritance, religion and witchcraft; and learning from good practice, including advocacy, influencing customary legal culture, support services, awareness raising, children’s knowledge and life skills, conclusions and recommendations. Based on studies in Gaza, Manica, Zambezia and Nampula.

La proximité de la justice: Rapport Socio-Juridique sur les Mode de Gestion de Conflits Foncier

Reports & Research
Mayo, 2009

Ce rapport, qui s’inscrit dans l’objectif du programme de RCN Justice & De?mocratie «Pour une justice de proximite? », pre?sente les re?sultats d’une e?tude des modes de re?solution de conflits fonciers par les syste?mes judiciaires et pre? judiciaires au Rwanda et propose des mesures pour rapprocher la justice de la population. Deux exemples peuvent servir a? introduire le genre de conflits fonciers typiques au Rwanda et les questions sociales que ces conflits soule?vent.

Challenges in Asserting Women’s Land Rights in Southern Africa

Reports & Research
Mayo, 2009

Includes the challenges at different levels; some historical trends which have not helped women; some suggested ways forward; all very worthy, but hard to achieve; conclusions from the literature; fighting on the correct battlefield; pragmatic lessons from a book on Eastern Africa; will women lose even more as a result of the biofuel revolution?; women’s land rights in Rwanda.


Journal Articles & Books
Mayo, 2009

This analysis and recommendations stem from USAID/Kenya’s request for an assessment of Kenya’s draft National Land Policy (dNLP).4 It was conducted under the global task order: Property Rights and Resource Governance Program, a mechanism designed and supervised by USAID-EGAT’s Land Resources Management Team under the Office of Natural Resources Management.