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El acceso de mujeres jóvenes a la tierra en el altiplano de Bolivia

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2012

Experiencias de participación de mujeres en el saneamiento interno de tierras de las comunidades de Uricachi Grande y Pujsani en el departamente de La Paz, Bolivia.

La problemática de la tierra en el altiplano boliviano, ha estado históricamente caracterizada por una relativa escasez de este recurso y por la existencia de arreglos institucionales comunales (informales) que determinan el acceso y uso de la tierra. Existe evidencia empírica sobre la discriminación de la cual son objeto las mujeres y jóvenes, sobre todo en cuanto a lo que se refiere al acceso a la tierra.

Gendered experiences of dispossession: oil palm expansion in a Dayak Hibun community in West Kalimantan

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2012

This article explores the gendered experience of monocrop oil-palm expansion in a Hibun Dayak community in Sanggau District, West Kalimantan (Indonesia). It shows how the expanding corporate plantation and contract farming system has undermined the position and livelihood of indigenous women in this already patriarchal community. The shifting of land tenure from the community to the state and the practice of the ‘family head’ system of smallholder plot registration has eroded women's rights to land, and women are becoming a class of plantation labour.

Health and living conditions of Palestinian refugees residing in camps and gatherings in Lebanon: a cross-sectional survey

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2012

BACKGROUND: Palestinian refugees have lived in camps and gatherings in Lebanon for more than 60 years. They are socially, politically, and economically disadvantaged as a result of discriminatory laws and decades of marginalisation, as shown by the absence of property rights and being banned from more than 30 occupations. In Palestinian refugee camps and gatherings, the provision of housing, water, electricity, refuse, and other services are inadequate and contribute to poor health.

Can food calorie be an index for poverty in a rural economy? An extrapolation from farm households in Ogun State, Nigeria

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2012

The study assessed poverty in rural areas of Ogun State, Nigeria through the food energy (calorie) intake approach. A sample of 60 households (comprising of 346 members) were selected using a multistage sampling technique and were interviewed with the aid of well‐structured questionnaire. Data were analysed using nutrient estimation techniques, cost of calorie method and poverty index. The estimated food poverty line was 64.72 naira.

role of social learning for soil conservation: the case of Amba Zuria land management, Ethiopia

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2012

Social learning plays key roles in sustainable natural resource management; however, studies on its role show mixed results. Even though most current studies highlight positive outcomes, there are also negative effects of social learning with respect to natural resource management. This paper explores the influence of social learning outcomes on the adoption of soil conservation practices in Amba Zuria, Ethiopia. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, group discussions and in workshops.

Estado, mujeres y género : discursos que construyen identidades

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2012

La problemática central que planteo en esta investigación es que los discursos de género de las personas que laboran para el estado pueden influir en la construcción de identidades de género que ayuden a ratificar o a modificar estereotipos discriminatorios. Las visiones hegemónicas de cómo “deben” ser los sujetos son transmitidas en una relación educacional desde las instancias de poder a la sociedad civil (Gramsci, 1971: 350); entre estas instancias se encuentran: el estado, la iglesia, el sistema educativo y los medios de comunicación.