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Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act: Regulations: Declared Weeds and Invader Plants (G.N.R. No. 1048 of 1984).

LandLibrary Resource
África austral

These Regulations, made by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture under section 29 of the Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act, provide for measures to protect soil from erosion and in general conservation of the soil and combating of weeds and plant invaders.

Ministerial Decree No. 360 validating the Regulation on allotment in lease and management of pasture.

LandLibrary Resource
Asia central

This Ministerial Decree validates the Regulation on allotment in lease and management of pastures, the form of contract on lease of the pasture areas for stockbreeding purpose, lease of pasture areas for other purposes, form of forest land plot usage permit for silvopastoralism. Pasture areas allotted before 16 June 1999 for long-term use shall remain in use of the lessees until 2025.

Décret nº 2004-24 portant application de la loi n°44-2000 portant Code pastoral en Mauritanie.

LandLibrary Resource
África occidental

Le pastoralisme comme mode d'élevage, fondé sur la mobilité des éleveurs et des troupeaux, concourt à la satisfaction des besoins économiques et sociaux des populations ainsi qu’à la préservation des équilibres écologiques par une gestion durable des ressources naturelles.

Crown Lands Regulations.

LandLibrary Resource

These Regulations implement the Crown Lands Act by further making provision for leases of crown lands and licences for activities to be carried on such lands. Provisions of Part 2 define which lands are available for leases, regulate commencement, execution, and surrender of leases and payment for improvements on land.

Resolución Nº 174 - Arreo de animales por caminos públicos de la XI Región.

LandLibrary Resource
América del Sur

La presente Resolución aprueba las normas para el arreo de animales que se efectúe por caminos públicos de la XI Región y dispone, entre otras cosas, que el tránsito por vías públicas, de caballerías, ganado suelto, manadas y rebaños, podrá efectuarse únicamente cuando no existan otras vías utilizables que permitan realizarlo por ellas.

Décret nº D/2003/72/PRG/SGG portant création d'une direction nationale des pistes rurales (DNPR).

LandLibrary Resource
África occidental

Ce décret porte création d'une direction nationale des pistes rurales (DNPR), chargé de la mise en oeuvre de la politique du Gouvernement en matière de construction, de réhabilitation et d'entretien des pistes rurales.

Met en oeuvre: Décret nº D/2003/62/PRG/SGG portant transfert de la maîtrise d'ouvrage des pistes rurales au Ministère chargé des travaux publics. (2003-07-16)

Security for Forest and Range Practice Liabilities Regulation (B.C. Reg. 20/2004).

LandLibrary Resource
América Septentrional

The present Regulation implements the Forest and Range Practices Act. In particular, it deals with security and liabilities of forest and range practice. The text consists of 3 sections as follows: Security (1); Return of security (2); Offence (3).

Implements: Forest and Range Practices Act ([SBC 2002] Chapter 69). (2016-02-29)

Décret nº D/2004/68/PRG/SGG portant transfert de la maîtrise d'ouvrage des pistes rurales au Ministère chargé de l'agriculture et de l'élevage.

LandLibrary Resource
África occidental

Ce décret porte transfert de la maîtrise d'ouvrage des pistes rurales, précédemment assurée par Ministère chargé des travaux publics au Ministère chargé de l'agriculture et de l'élevage.

Ministerial Joint Decree No. 125347/568 establishing Codes of Good Agricultural Practice.

LandLibrary Resource
Europa meridional

With the purpose of addressing issues related to agricultural activities and providing good management practice on how to avoid polluting water, air and soil, this Decree establishes certain practices to be applied by farmers and others involved in agricultural activities, named Codes of Good Agricultural Practice.

Agricultural Crown Lands Grazing and Hay Permits Regulation (Man. Reg. 288/88).

LandLibrary Resource
América Septentrional

The present Regulation implements the Crown Lands Act (Chapter C340). Section 2 establishes that no person shall graze livestock on Crown land except under the authority of: a) a lease under the Agricultural Crown Land Leases Regulation or b) a permit issued by the director under this Regulation.