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Legitimate tenure rights, both in and around project sites, need to be recognised, documented and as far as possible, secured at the start of an investment process. If rights are not documented, then companies will not know whose land rights are likely to be affected or whom to consult.

Highlighted Tools & Resources


Cadasta Platform

Cadasta (link is external) develops and promotes simple digital technologies (link is external) to help partners efficiently document, analyze, store, and share critical land and resource rights information. By creating accessible digital records of land, property, and resource rights, Cadasta helps empower individuals, communities, organizations, governments, and businesses with data to make responsible decisions and put vulnerable communities and their needs on the map.



Options for Securing Tenure and Documenting Land Rights in Mozambique

Options for Securing Tenure and Documenting Land Rights in Mozambique: A Land Policy & Practice Brief

This Briefing Paper is based on the outcomes and lessons from projects recently completed in Mozambique, funded by DFID’s LEGEND programme, wider analysis conducted by that programme, and the knowledge and practical experience of the authors. [briefing paper in Portuguese]
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LEGEND case study on land rights mapping and documentation explains the practical approaches applied in pilot projects to understand and map customary land rights and tenure systems, and the use of low-cost digital tools to document and  certify communities’ and households’ land rights, including those of women,  in different types of social and investment contexts.  Highlights include::

Securing collective group rights and participatory land use planning provides a foundation for new natural resource -based community businesses as in the pilot projects implemented by Micaia in Mozambique and VSF-B in Tanzania

Additional resources and lessons learned from the pilot projects

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