Strengthening Women's Land Rights: Crucial for the SDGs
Kick-off event: meet female land rights champions, make your work more effective and join the festive launch of a photo exhibition
Kick-off event: meet female land rights champions, make your work more effective and join the festive launch of a photo exhibition
How to support transformations that work for people and nature?
Due to the current COVID-19 situation, FIG Working Week 2020 has been cancelled. However, the programme, all abstracts and both peer review and regular papers have been published in the FIG 2020 Working Week website. There might be some online webinars/meetings, which will be informed in the event website.
Reconociendo la importancia de las cuestiones relativas a la tierra para poner fin al hambre y lograr el desarrollo sostenible, los países han convenido en cumplir objetivos ambiciosos en materia de tierras para 2030.
Durante los últimos nueve años, el proyecto apoyó la implementación de las Directrices Voluntarias sobre la Gobernanza Responsable de la Tenencia de la Tierra, la Pesca y los Bosques (DVGT) ayudó a los países a asumir compromisos políticos para erradicar el hambre, la inseguridad alimentaria y la malnutrición, con el objetivo ex
This event will launch the technical guide on integrating the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forest in the context of National Food Security (VGGT) into land degradation neutrality (LDN) in all 6 UN languages, produced jointly by UNCCD and FAO.