Décret n° 2-16-375 du 13 chaoual1437 (18 juillet 2016) fixant le tarif des droits de conservation foncière.
Le présent décret fixe le tarif des droits de conservation foncière.
Le présent décret fixe le tarif des droits de conservation foncière.
La présente ordonnance crée une Direction nationale des Domaines dont la mission est d’élaborer les éléments de la politique nationale relative au domaine et au foncier et d’assurer et d’assurer la coordination et le contrôle de la mise en œuvre de ladite politique.A ce titre, il est chargé de: élaborer et de mettre en œuvre la législation et la réglementation domaniale et foncière; réaliser des études pour l’amélioration des recettes domaniales et foncières; gérer le patrimoine immobilier non bâti de l’Etat; procéder à la location des immeubles non bâtis de l’Etat au profit des tiers; proc
These Regulations provide for selected matters relative to registration of applications and notices under the Land (Group Representatives) Act. The matters here regulated concern the form of applications and notices submitted by a group to the Registrar of Group Representatives and the contents of the register of each group kept by the Registrar in accordance with section 4 (1) of the Act. An application for incorporation under section 7 (1) of the Act shall be Form A in the First Schedule to these Regulations.
El presente Reglamento de Renovación Urbana, tiene por objetivo complementar las herramientas establecidas en el artículo 21 de la Ley de Planificación Urbana, y fijar las normas que deberán adoptarse para rehabilitar, remodelar o regenerar las áreas urbanas disfuncionales, o conservar áreas urbanas, cuya intervención sea considerada estratégica por parte de los gobiernos municipales o el Estado.
The Article 8, 34 and 175 of the Land Law are canceled. Article 172 is amended as: The land value tax shall be levied on the landowner. In the case of any land subject to dien, the said tax shall be paid by the dien-holder. The Article 34-1 is also amended. For the disposal of ownership, or changes of, or setting encumbrance of superficies, agricultural right, servitude of real property, or dien over co-owned land or constructional improvements, the consent of more than half of the Co-owners whose holding of ownership is more than half of the total share shall be required.
This Regulation is enacted according tothe Land Act.The acquisition, creation, transfer, change, or nullification of the land rights as prescribed in Article 4, shall be duly registered. The registration agency shall not cancel any land right that has been duly registered according to the Regulation without a valid court decree for cancellation, unless otherwise provided by the Regulation.
La presente Resolución aprueba la relación de procedimientos administrativos y servicios derivados de la actividad catastral a cargo de las Direcciones Regionales de Agricultura de los Gobiernos Regionales a los que se ha transferido la función de saneamiento físico legal de la propiedad agraria, incluyendo su denominación, plazo máximo de atención y requisitos máximos para cada procedimiento.
Implementa: Ley Nº 27867 - Ley Orgánica de Gobiernos Regionales. (2002-11-16)
This Regulation sets forth principles and procedures of works and operations regarding private and public forests. This Regulation includes provisions on management and conservation of private and public forests, forest cadastre, forest planning, inspection, environmental impact assessment, as well as permit processes for works and operations regarding private and public forests.
Implements: Forest Law No. 6831. (1956-08-31)
Implements: Law No. 3234 on the General Directorate of Forests (OGM). (1985-10-31)
This Decree-Law amends and re-publishes Decree-Law No. 37/2014 of 22 July on the special legal regime for the implementation of land cadastre in Sal, Boa Vista, Sao Vicente and Maio islands.
La presente Resolución tiene por objeto adoptar la Metodología para realizar la focalización territorial para la ejecución de la política pública de ordenamiento social de la propiedad rural en la modalidad de barrido predial, y para la definición de las zonas de asignación del Subsidio Integral de Reforma Agraria (SIRA).
These Regulations of the Cabinet Secretary for Land and Physical Planning implement provisions of the Community Land Act, 2016 ("Act") with respect to, among other things, recognition, protection and registration of community land rights, community land management committees, registration of communities, conversion of community land, settlement of disputes relating to community land, conversion of group representatives, a national programme for public education and awareness on provisions of the Act and the rights of communities over community land, and the preparation of Community Rules an
This Act provides generally for registration of rights in land and land tenure in Belize. “Land” includes land covered with water, all things growing on land and buildings and other things permanently affixed to land. Except as otherwise provided in this Act, but subject to section 38 of National Lands Act, no law, practice or procedure relating to land shall apply to land registered under this Act so far as it is inconsistent with this Act.