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Basic Agrarian Act (No. 5 of 1960).

Asia sudoriental

The Act establishes that the right to administer the soil, water and air is vested in the State. The State, therefore, has the authority to: (a) regulate the allotment, use, supply and maintenance of soil, water and air; (b) regulate the legal relations between persons and soil, water and air; (c) regulate the legal relations between persons and legal acts concerning soil, water and air. The exploitation of these resources both by individuals or corporate bodies is to be performed within the objective of the national interest and by guaranteeing the protection of economically-weak groups.

Kathmandu Valley Development Authority Act, 1988.

Asia meridional

This Act concerns the establishment of the Kathmandu Valley Development Authority, whose functions shall pertain to land use planning, the development in land-use areas and the prescription of methods of construction works, the formulation and implementation for the development and maintenance of cultural heritage, the protection and conservation of the environment and natural resources. Subsequent sections establish all the powers given to the Authority in connection with its functions.

Guthi Corporation Act 1976.

Asia meridional

This Act concerns the establishment of the Guthi Corporation as an autonomous and corporate body. For the management of the corporation a Board of Directors shall be formed according to the provisions of Section 9. Guthi means "a Guthi endowed by any philanthropist with religious or philanthropic motives through relinquishment of title to his movable or immovable property or any other income-yielding property or funds" for the performance of religious functions, or construction and maintenance of temples, wells, ponds, libraries, hospitals, etc.

Lands Act, 2021 (1964).

Asia meridional

The Act consists of 11 Chapters divided into 64 articles: Preliminary (I); Abolition of Jimidari (II); Ceilings of Land (III); Acquisition of Land in Excess of Upper Ceiling (IV); Compensation (V); Sale and Disposal of Land (VI); Provisions Relating to Tenant (VII); Provisions on Rent (VIII); Provisions on Compulsory Saving and Debt (IX); Provisions Relating to Land-Use, Control of Land Fragmentation and Plotting (Chaklabandi) (IXA); Authorities and Procedures (X); Miscellaneous (XI).This Act abolishes the Jimidari system for the collection of land taxes.

Land Acquisition Act, 1977.

Asia meridional

The present Act aims at amending and consolidating current legislation relevant to the acquisition of land. The Government may acquire any land at any place for any public purpose, if it so deems necessary, according to the procedures set out by this Act.

Soil and Watershed Conservation Act 1982.

Asia meridional

The Government may declare any area as a protected watershed area and the Watershed Conservation Officer may take within the area the measures established by the present Act for the purpose of soil and watershed conservation (e.g. construction and maintenance of waterworks, afforestation, planting of grasses or other vegetation, protection of forests, cultivation of crops and fruits, maintenance of the fertility of the soil, etc.).

Land Adjudication Act, 1992.

América central

The Minister may declare adjudication areas for the purposes of this Act (sect. 3). After a declaration made under section 3, the Minister shall appoint a land Adjudication Tribunal for the adjudication (sect. 4). The Tribunal consists of an Adjudicator and two other members who shall be land surveyors or, lawyers or land economists. The Adjudicator, assisted by a demarcator and a records officer appointed under section 4, plays an importation role in procedures for the preparation of an adjudication. Sections of Part IV outline principles of adjudication.

Loi nº 171/AN/91/2eL portant fixation et organisation du domaine public.

África oriental

Cette loi porte régime de base du domaine public naturel et artificiel de l'Etat et des relatives servitudes auxquelles sont assujettis les terrains et les bâtiments des propriétés privées. Le ministre chargé du domaine accorde par arrêté les autorisations à occuper le domaine public et à y édifier. Des décrets pris en Conseil des ministres édictent les règles relatives à la police, à la conservation et à l'utilisation du domaine public ainsi qu'à l'exercice des servitudes d'utilité publique et militaires.

Loi nº 177/AN/91/2eL portant organisation de la propriété foncière.

África oriental

Cette loi porte organisation de la propriété foncière. A cette fin elle institue un service dit de la conservation foncière, chargé d'assurer aux titulaires la garantie des rôles réels qu'ils possèdent sur ces immeubles, et ce au moyen de l'immatriculation de tous les immeubles aux livres fonciers et la publication sur les livres fonciers de tous les droits réels qui s'y rapportent. L'immatriculation est obligatoire et définitive. Sont considérés immeubles par l'objet auquel ils s'appliquent: les droits réels immobiliers et les actions qui tendent à revendiquer un immeuble.